Wednesday, November 18, 2020

What I Buy Wednesday

When we were at Sandy's last week, Butch was telling her about his "big" ideas for decorating the outside of our house this year. Initially, I was not in support of that. We've been spoiled that for 24 years, we've had some ladies who did it for us. I didn't want to go to all that work on our own. I told him that I would rather he help me with the inside. But, no, when he wants to do something, he does it! 

Now one thing I'll say about Butch---he's about as organized as I am! Well, okay, not the garage, but still. Anyway, one day, I noticed this:





Red Bows














18-20 yds.

54-60 ft.

Yep, he made a spreadsheet. The guy is the KING of spreadsheets! He makes a spreadsheet for everything---his exercise, our family challenges, every trip we take and even his fish (back in the day). I know a lot about my computer, but spreadsheets are not my thing. I make lists. That's what I do.

During Sandy and her dad's conversation, she  told him about the wreaths she bought at Sam's last year. When he saw those, it was all over. That's what we needed! I immediately went online and ordered 6 of them. Good thing--they are now sold out on the website. I don't know if you can still get them in the stores.
The wreaths are huge---32" and really pretty. They are lighted with a timer so once he hangs them, he won't have to fool with them every night. I'm even excited about them. We've had wreaths on our columns for about the first 15 years, but they were not decorated or lighted. They just had a big red bow. That's what Butch was thinking of doing again. I was "over" that look. But I am excited about these new wreaths. We're going to put them up this weekend. Seems like it should be pretty quick. We'll see.

Sandy also showed us the matching garland to the wreath that she bought. We loved that too. 
So as not to copy her exactly, I went for the white and silver. 
I wasn't planning to bother with the garland on the bannisters this year as it's just way too much work. Now all we have to do is just put it up and plug it in. Each one is 9 ft. long. I bought 3 boxes. I measured and that should do it. I hope so. 

If you are in the market for anything really awesome for Christmas, Sam's has it!
These are huge---about 5 ft. tall. I love them and boy, do they make a statement. I think we can all use a little joy this year.
These ornaments of ornaments are about 4 ft. in diameter.
I thought the deer would be awesome on the upper porch. They are life-size, but with the railing, I don't thing you'd be able to see them very well.
On the other hand, this snowman is at least 7 or 8 ft. tall. I think it would work great. But, I think this year we'll just go with the wreaths. Plus, I'm not sure how it folds up.

We're excited about trying something new. We're also not looking forward to all the work--especially inside. I think we're going to scale that back some. I love my flocked Christmas tree that we always have in the living room.

I do love it--especially with my tea and book in front of a roaring fire. This is last year. But, I'm getting to where I just don't want the work. I don't know when it happened, but it's been at least 10 years that as I'm decorating, I'm already dreading the "take down!" I really am not a Scrooge. I love the holidays. I'm just going to scale back on the work. Well see how I feel about that.

That's it for "What I Buy Wednesdays" this week. Have you bought any new Christmas decorations this year? 

I'll share pictures once we have it all up.

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