Saturday, November 21, 2020

Scrapbook Saturday

Well, it just so happens that I have a couple layouts to share today.

This is Jeanne's layout for last month. Her favorite vintage item was mom's sewing machine. There is another part of the story she didn't tell---and maybe she doesn't even know this. Our great-grandmother bought a new sewing machine, so the salesman gave her the child's version. She then gave it to her granddaughter, our mom. It's just too bad that we do not have a picture of our great-grandmother's machine sitting next to the miniature one---or a picture of our mom as a little girl with her grandmother. Now that would be somethin'!
This is Janet's layout about a vintage vase. I don't know the story because I couldn't read it.
This is Jeanne's layout for this month. She's the one that did the kits and picked the topic: "My favorite Christmas song." Hers is "the Little Drummer Boy."
My favorite Christmas song is "Oh Holy Night." I told the story of midnight mass and what it reminds me of: a man's coat catching on fire because he got too close to the votive candles (we think he might have been a little drunk) and getting run off the road on the way home and jumping in to the freezing cold slushy water in the ditch. We didn't have sidewalks or streetlights!

We have one more assignment for this year. Susan picked her topic. It's "My favorite airport." That's a thinker for sure!!

That will wrap up AYM for 2020. On to 2021. We're deciding on the topic now.

1 comment:

  1. Oh Holy Night is my favorite Christmas hymn as well. Enjoyed the layouts, thanks for sharing.


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