Sunday, November 1, 2020


So last night was Halloween AND Daylight Savings Time. That means on Sunday morning, we get an extra hour of sleep. Maybe that would matter if you were the type that liked to sleep or stay in bed. All it means for me is that my day starts an hour earlier! That's a good thing!

Sometimes on Saturday, I might stay in bed and read for awhile, but it doesn't happen often. I'm always excited to start my day. That might sound like I have a fun and exciting life. No, it's not particularly exciting, but it is fun. I look forward to my Saturday routine--which right now means NOT walking. I am a creature of routine. Before I started walking, my daily routine consisted of: brewing my loose tea, lighting the scented candle on the kitchen counter and running a sink full of hot, sudsy water. All of that takes about 5 minutes. 

Once my tea is ready, I plop myself in front of the early morning local news and get on my puter. That's when I check emails, check Facebook, Instagram and use my blog reader (a tool that lets me know which of the blogs I follow have a new post--saves a lot of time rather than having to check each one). Sometimes I get behind on my blog reading. I'll save them to my reading list and get to them later. I'll also write my own blog post or two. A post usually takes me about an hour by the time I fight with photos and do the editing. I normally would have 2 or 3 hours to just chill. In winter, that includes a fire--one of my most favorite things.

All of that changed when I started walking first thing in the morning. I've just started a new routine. Now, I get out for my walk, anywhere between 4:30 and 5:00 a.m. I get home about an hour later. I go straight to the shower while Butch has already made my tea. Since he is already up, I can make the bed. I don't get dressed for the day right away. I just put my robe on and THEN I start my day! With this scenario  I usually only have about 2 hours to do all of my computer stuff. I always take Saturday off. I will have another day off during the week--usually Wednesday, but it's Saturday that gives me the most satisfaction. That's the day I get to do my favorite routine. 

Once I've spent a couple hours lollygagging around, I'll get dressed and head up to my scrapbook room. I'm usually up there until around 11:30. Lunch and a movie with a little stitching. Then it's reading and nap time. There it is. My idea of a perfect day!

What do your routines look like?

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