Monday, November 16, 2020

Monday Mystery

Why in the world would you cut down ALL your trees?? It's a mystery to me.

That was my question when I heard the buzzing of the saw. I looked out and saw people cutting down the trees at the neighbors right behind us. I really couldn't believe it. Those trees had to be at least 50 years old. They were huge! I stepped outside to take a couple pictures and caught this:

I happened to catch it just right. I was taking a little video to send to the girls when all of a sudden, one of the big trees came down. (Well, I don't know if this works or not. I can't get it to play from my end. I wish I knew how to post videos--seems pretty easy. But apparently there must be a step I'm missing. Oh well).

They worked several hours. When they finished, this was how it looked.
Before they took all the trees out, we couldn't see their house at all. At all!
Now you might think this isn't so bad. This is one view from the table by the pool. But soon, the crape myrtles will be leaf-less.
If you scootch over just a little, this is what it looks like. I don't like the idea of floating in the pool with all the world to see

I was totally freaking out. Who would want to give up all that privacy? Butch tried to calm me down by saying that they must have some plans. Surely they wouldn't want to give up privacy either. He thinks they might be putting in a pool of their own. But really? They'll be right on top of us! I'm not happy. I guess we'll just have to wait and see what happens.

Seems to me that if they are planning a pool, they could easily have left the line of trees along the property line. They have plenty of space. They already have a fence up closer to the house. 

Plus, we had a lot of really nice wildlife living in that little patch of woods. There are still woods to the left, so that's good. 

Mitchell came over for Happy Hour and I was showing him. He said, "wow, grammy, you are going to have to put shades on the sunroom!" OMG! I hadn't thought of that! The sunroom is all windows---ALL! Now we look right at their house. Bummer.

I'm calming down because Butch said we'll just plant a line of trees of our own. I have a plan. Of course I do. The fence of our pool is already on the line. The last 10ft. of our property is the utility easement, so we can't plant back there. What we'll do is put a line of hemlocks inside the fence behind the pool. We'll have to take out a lot of things---arborvitae, hydrangeas and roses. But the hemlocks will grow fast and fill in.   But it ain't gonna' be cheap!

And I don't care what it costs! At least that's the plan.

1 comment:

  1. That does seem pretty drastic action - I wonder if they had found the trees were diseased? Horrible for you to lose that privacy, do you know them well enough to pop round and ask why they did it? If they are planning to replant with something else, it may save you from having to do too much your side of the boundary!


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