Thursday, November 19, 2020

Five Things Thursday

Let me start with a shoutout to my favorite daughter!
Happy birthday!

Now on to my Five Things:
1. Apparently, according to Fitbit, I've walked the entirety of India! It only took me about 5 years!
2. I'm buying this for Mindy for Christmas.
3. This is an interesting look at names around the world for bibliophiles.
4. Speaking of worms---this is so gross! This is what earthworms are like in Australia. Someone told me that they would never go to Australia because everything there can kill you. I believe it!
5. I couldn't end with that disgusting worm. Instead there's this cute thing! I've asked for it for Christmas--and for someone to put it together for me! I can barely do Legos. Okay, I can't really do Legos.

1 comment:

  1. Oh that penultimate photo is gross! Thank you for not ending with that one - much nicer to see something that looks like the inside of a British beach hut!


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