Well, I ALMOST had another week without a "buy." Instead, I had a BIG buy!! But, let's start with what I didn't buy.
You know Sam's is impulse heaven for me. Still, I pretty much stuck to my list. I was tempted by several things, but I resisted!
OMGosh! I wanted these in the worst way! I was so proud of myself for not buying them. These would not be good for me to have around the house.
I wanted to try these. They looked good and at only 160 calories, looked like a good lunch. Still, I resisted because 14 is a lot to commit to if you end up not liking them! Has anybody had them?
And this snowman! So cute. I thought this would look so good on the upper balcony this year for a change. I'm going to have Butch take a look at it. We're scaling back on the decorations, so this might be a nice and easy change.
Okay, so now, on to what I did buy.
I don't usually include food purchases unless it's something really good---or something I manage to resist--like above. I'm pretty sure I've already mentioned how I like just about ALL of the Oreo Thins, but this was a new one. If you haven't tried them, you are in for a treat. So good!
Now on the the "big" buy! Let me start with a little background. Christy, my friend, used to be nail girl and now my designer---emailed me with this in the subject: Splurge! She proceeded to tell me about this chandelier that would be perfect in my kitchen and had my name written all over it. Butch wasn't too keen on it. He asked what it cost and I wouldn't say. He said, "okay, we don't need it." He's right, but "need" has nothing to do with it. I told him that it could be my Christmas and birthday presents. Then I got the bright idea---"Hey, I'll use my social security money!! Or my inherited money from mom!" So that's just what I did.
It came in lots of pieces--three different crystals for a total 83---I washed and dried each one!
Oops! How did this picture get in there? We were having the kids over for dinner the same day I was washing the crystals! Only kidding, this silverware is part of the chandelier---all 85 pieces of it! I washed and dried that too. I sort of felt like it was Thanksgiving! All the silver and crystal!
So as you may have guessed, the new chandelier is quirky---but oh, so cool!
Christy knows me so well! This is totally "me!" Then Stephanie came over. She thought it was socool
too, but said, "well, it kind of dwarfs your table." I hadn't even noticed that. It sort of does. Butch suggested that we swap out for the "old" one we put up in the rec room. We might just have to do that. We'll see.
So, going from a few weeks with no purchases, I guess I was just "saving up" for a big one that I didn't even know was in my future! Don't ya' love it when that happens! I love surprises! Thanks, Christy!