There, I've said it! I know I shouldn't, but it's true! She just got home this morning. I let her drop me off at bridge so she could have my car. I got home to Mindy's laundry in the back hallway, messy kitchen with the leftover takeout bags from Richland where she ordered her lunch, pantry door hanging open, covers in disarray in the family room, Butch's recliner left in the "up" position, shoes on the floor, my computer open and fingerprinted up, graduation gifts opened with wrappings everywhere, bathroom cabinet door wide open and more of her belongings in the entry. She's like a tornado and you can follow the wreckage through the house! I just have to remind myself that it's temporary and just cherish this time I have with her.
We leave tomorrow for our family vacation on Mackinac Island. We're all looking forward to it---despite the cool weather there. It's only going to be in the low 60's all week with nights in the 40's. Mindy is bummed as she prefers hot weather. Steph and girls have not adjusted to the change in climate in Wisconsin and all have colds. I hope they are past the contagious stage when we get there.
There is so much to do and see---horseback riding, croquet, golf, butterfly house, swimming (if the pool is heated), spa, tea rooms, bowling, bike riding, etc. I'll probably need a rest after our vacation!
Thursday, June 28, 2007
Sunday, June 24, 2007
Even after all these years...
Butch can still surprise me! You know about my plan to cook on Sunday and Monday---well, last night I was asking Butch if he had anything in mind that he'd like for dinner tonight. He shocked me by saying, "I want to go out to dinner"! I whipped my head around so fast you would have thought it was a scene straight from the Exorcist! He NEVER suggests eating out. And we're talking a Sunday night even. That never happens---we don't eat out on week nights. Don't get me wrong, we certainly eat out our fair share, but it is never his idea. Remember, he's a man that doesn't care the least bit about food. I really wasn't sure that I'd heard him correctly. I pressed the issue, "What? You want to go out? Why?" He said he was in the mood for a good steak. Okay, so I'm all over that! Then I went too far....I was asking too many questions. I could tell that his eyes were starting to glaze over. He had already reached his 100 word quota for the day. Sensing my dinner out might be in jeopardy, I let it go.
This morning, I started hinting around to see if dinner out was still on the proverbial table or if I had dreamt it. "What do you have planned for the day?" He mentions a couple things, but no dinner. About noon, I just asked him outright if he still wanted to go out. He said yes, but didn't tell me where. Finally about 4, I asked him what time he wanted me to be ready. He said 5:30, but still didn't say where we were going. On occasion, when we're out and about, he'll just take me somewhere for lunch. He likes his little surprises, so I didn't press the issue. I'm thinking---a good steak---Stoney River or Sperry's. Then I noticed that he changed into jeans, so then I think at the very least---Outback. We get in the car and head in the direction of Cool Springs. Outback is looking like a clear possibility. Why I think this, I do not know as it's been about 5 years since we've been there. Finally, I could not contain my curiosity and asked. He said, "Longhorn"! Not only was I not surprised, I wasn't even disappointed. They have a great salad that I like.
We get to the restaurant and he has forgotten his glasses as usual and borrows mine---remarking (as he always does when he borrows them) that they are really too strong. He decided on the Renegade---8 oz. portion. I get the salad. Our food arrives. We are having a pleasant dinner and nice conversation. As he is eating his "mini" steak, I asked him if it was good. He said that it was, but who in the world could eat the 12 oz. size? I swear, I don't know how the man thrives.
All in all, we had a pleasant dinner for around $30 bucks and were back home within an hour. We watched the results of "So You Think You Can Dance". A very nice ending to the weekend. He can surprise me anytime.
This morning, I started hinting around to see if dinner out was still on the proverbial table or if I had dreamt it. "What do you have planned for the day?" He mentions a couple things, but no dinner. About noon, I just asked him outright if he still wanted to go out. He said yes, but didn't tell me where. Finally about 4, I asked him what time he wanted me to be ready. He said 5:30, but still didn't say where we were going. On occasion, when we're out and about, he'll just take me somewhere for lunch. He likes his little surprises, so I didn't press the issue. I'm thinking---a good steak---Stoney River or Sperry's. Then I noticed that he changed into jeans, so then I think at the very least---Outback. We get in the car and head in the direction of Cool Springs. Outback is looking like a clear possibility. Why I think this, I do not know as it's been about 5 years since we've been there. Finally, I could not contain my curiosity and asked. He said, "Longhorn"! Not only was I not surprised, I wasn't even disappointed. They have a great salad that I like.
We get to the restaurant and he has forgotten his glasses as usual and borrows mine---remarking (as he always does when he borrows them) that they are really too strong. He decided on the Renegade---8 oz. portion. I get the salad. Our food arrives. We are having a pleasant dinner and nice conversation. As he is eating his "mini" steak, I asked him if it was good. He said that it was, but who in the world could eat the 12 oz. size? I swear, I don't know how the man thrives.
All in all, we had a pleasant dinner for around $30 bucks and were back home within an hour. We watched the results of "So You Think You Can Dance". A very nice ending to the weekend. He can surprise me anytime.
Wednesday, June 20, 2007
Hot and Muggy
---that's what Nashville is! Hot and muggy---after a little rain---summer has finally hit Nashville. April and May were hotter than June---and we've been mosquito-less. But that's all changed now. Not fun anymore!
Mindy moved upstairs and started her new job. She's lovin' it---especially when her boss told her she was bringing style and class to the office. She's all about looking good---and loves to get attention for it. I'm glad the San Antonio shopping spree is finally paying off. After buying her new dresses for work, she got back to discover that Commander's Palace had instituted a new dress policy.
Steph, Bryan and girls are settled in the apartment. After ALL that work, Steph said they didn't really save that much by moving themselves after all. They are exploring the town and taking walks in their new neighborhood and meeting people. Hopefully by the time they are ready to move in, the girls will have friends.
Sandy and family are spending most of their time at the ball park---sometimes not getting home until after 11. Since they are on eastern time, it doesn't get dark until 10 p.m. which makes it hard to get the kids inside anyway. Elizabeth is good-natured and seems to take it all in stride.
We leave next Friday for our family vacation to the Grand Hotel on Mackinac Island. Can't wait to see all the kids!!
Mindy moved upstairs and started her new job. She's lovin' it---especially when her boss told her she was bringing style and class to the office. She's all about looking good---and loves to get attention for it. I'm glad the San Antonio shopping spree is finally paying off. After buying her new dresses for work, she got back to discover that Commander's Palace had instituted a new dress policy.
Steph, Bryan and girls are settled in the apartment. After ALL that work, Steph said they didn't really save that much by moving themselves after all. They are exploring the town and taking walks in their new neighborhood and meeting people. Hopefully by the time they are ready to move in, the girls will have friends.
Sandy and family are spending most of their time at the ball park---sometimes not getting home until after 11. Since they are on eastern time, it doesn't get dark until 10 p.m. which makes it hard to get the kids inside anyway. Elizabeth is good-natured and seems to take it all in stride.
We leave next Friday for our family vacation to the Grand Hotel on Mackinac Island. Can't wait to see all the kids!!
Tuesday, June 19, 2007
Sidney and Sheldon
Monday, June 18, 2007
Now That I've Gotten Your Curiosity Up...
My two new pets are the cutest little teensy TURTLES!!! They are the green ones and about the size of a quarter. As soon as I took one look, it was love!!! I was suddenly reminded of the first turtle I bought when I was 10 and in the 5th grade. Back in those days, my best friend, Reenie and I were allowed to ride the bus (gasp) to Riveroads Mall. The fair was 25 cents. We roamed the mall and had lunch at the Steamboat Room in Woolworths. We'd order onion rings, cokes and pecan pie. I had never had pecan pie before but it instantly became a favorite. By 6th grade, we were allowed to ride our bikes (double gasp) which was 7 miles. Always the same meal. It was Woolworth's where Reenie and I both bought turtles. I had completely forgotten about that until Jordan and Morgan showed up with theirs. You can bet I'll be scrapbooking these little guys!
Saturday, June 16, 2007
Never Say Never---Pet Owner Again!
I just couldn't resist these cute little guys. Who could? Especially when the little girls arrived with them in tow and asked me if I would take them. Their names are Broccoli and Sheldon. I'm changing Broccoli's name to Sidney and putting them both in the same cage. Now I have Sidney Sheldon (for those of you that are "non" readers, Sidney Sheldon is a famous author---one of my favorites). Can you guess what these little fellows are? Really cute!
Tuesday, June 12, 2007
New Pictures of Mindy's Room

Here are the pictures of Mindy's finished room. I bought 3 lamps (notice the one on the dresser) and a funky chair. I went to every furniture store trying to find a black club chair and ottoman. Only found one and it was way too big for the space. So, I settled on this quirky chair. I have the drapery lady coming tomorrow to take the valance off the window over the nightstand and add a black satin border to match the stagecoach valances.
The Sickness Spreads
I spent the morning helping a friend re-organize her fairly organized scrapbook room. It was fun. Really. There's just something soothing to my soul to make order out of chaos (Chrissy, you better not be laughing at that). My friend (who shall remain nameless because maybe she doesn't want anyone to know that she enlisted my help) didn't have much chaos, but we made a difference. It was nice. It was nice to see that I am not the only "sick" one as we tried to find a place for her Spirograph (that we both (and Pam) had to have). Hers is still new in the box. At least I opened mine and played with it. Harder than I remember. I'll still try it on my pages now that I saw hers---that reminds me that I have one too. You know, the old, "outta sight, outta mind"! Totally true for me.
Relaxing evening. Greg, Sandy and I finally figured out how to web-chat. Mindy and I have been iChatting for several months now. Really fun. Eases the "missing you" pain. Elizabeth still doesn't want to have anything to do with it. But, she sat across the room and watched. By the end of our chat, she let Greg hold her, but still wouldn't talk to me.
Mindy is moving---upstairs at Commander's that is! She's gotten a promotion of sorts. She'll be a reservationist and starts training tomorrow. More hours and more money---great combination for her. She likes to be busy. Must take after her mom.
Busy, yeah, that's the ticket.
Relaxing evening. Greg, Sandy and I finally figured out how to web-chat. Mindy and I have been iChatting for several months now. Really fun. Eases the "missing you" pain. Elizabeth still doesn't want to have anything to do with it. But, she sat across the room and watched. By the end of our chat, she let Greg hold her, but still wouldn't talk to me.
Mindy is moving---upstairs at Commander's that is! She's gotten a promotion of sorts. She'll be a reservationist and starts training tomorrow. More hours and more money---great combination for her. She likes to be busy. Must take after her mom.
Busy, yeah, that's the ticket.
Monday, June 11, 2007
Cook Twice, Eat 4 Times
As opposed to cooking twice and eating twice. When Steph and the girls stayed for dinner, I usually didn't have much in the way of leftovers. See, I'm trying to look on the bright side! I'll cook on Sunday and Monday and have leftovers twice. Sounds like a plan!
I made a brisket yesterday that was really good. Tried using my new convection oven, but I don't get it. It's supposed to cook faster. It didn't. I'll add some BBQ sauce make sandwiches tomorrow night with the leftovers. Bought corn on the cob at the vegetable stand. I asked if it was sweet corn---of course they said it was. It wasn't. Just one more disappointment.
I made Stuffed Peppers for Butch's birthday dinner tonight. Haven't made those in years. They were really good.
While I'm talking food, I'll relate some additional info I got from Butch about his Canada trip. He said the amount of food they had was obsene! And, they spent $900. on beer! He said that they had way too many meals (and too large of meals) planned. And the snacks....he couldn't even go there. Keep in mind, this is coming from a man who has an apple, small yogurt and a couple peanut butter crackers for lunch---and this makes him "bloated"!
I made a brisket yesterday that was really good. Tried using my new convection oven, but I don't get it. It's supposed to cook faster. It didn't. I'll add some BBQ sauce make sandwiches tomorrow night with the leftovers. Bought corn on the cob at the vegetable stand. I asked if it was sweet corn---of course they said it was. It wasn't. Just one more disappointment.
I made Stuffed Peppers for Butch's birthday dinner tonight. Haven't made those in years. They were really good.
While I'm talking food, I'll relate some additional info I got from Butch about his Canada trip. He said the amount of food they had was obsene! And, they spent $900. on beer! He said that they had way too many meals (and too large of meals) planned. And the snacks....he couldn't even go there. Keep in mind, this is coming from a man who has an apple, small yogurt and a couple peanut butter crackers for lunch---and this makes him "bloated"!
Wednesday, June 6, 2007
Seriously Sad
That's what I am. I can't believe that Steph and the girls will be leaving in a little over a week. I've done a good job trying not to think about it up until now, but it seems to be in my face everywhere I turn these days---odds and ends in the mud room, girls clothes in the laundry room, friends dropping off things, details regarding the closing of the house, wedding announcements, getting packages ready to send to Camp Marymount, the list goes on and on. I've got a busy week planned in an attempt to keep my mind off of the inevitable. But you can bet my heart will be hurting. So sad. And lonely already.
Monday, June 4, 2007
Home Again, Home Again jiggity Jig!
Just returned from my trip to San Diego. Despite the (now, predictable) airline glitches, we had a great time. It was a mother/daughter trip with the 3 cousins born in 1984---Jackie, Angie, and Mindy and the moms---Janet, Jeanne, and me. We toured the Midway, shopped downtown at the Gaslamp area and Seaport Village, hung out at the pool, went to the San Diego Zoo and saw the pandas and spent our last day at Sea World. We had a great driver, Mike, who took care of us except for one night when he fell asleep and didn't pick us up.
I went to California expecting to get some great seafood. But, I must say, I was disappointed in the food in general. The best meals we had were at the hotel. We went to a highly recommended place---George's in La Jolla that was supposed to be the best steak and seafood. It's one of those kind of places where the first two or three things in the description of a dish sound normal and then you don't have a clue what the ingredients are from there. Anyway, Mindy hit the nail on the head when she said that we're used to home cooking and (most recently) Cajun cuisine with sauces and butter. California cuisine is al fresco with crisp vegetables and odd combinations. They can keep it!
The weather was fabulous---60's every day. I could get used to that. Especially after returning home to 90's and all of my plants dried up. The flowers in SD were gorgeous.
This is the year for trips for us. Our next trip is our family vacation to Mackinac Island at the end of June. I'm still trying to get a trip to St. Louis planned for this summer.
I went to California expecting to get some great seafood. But, I must say, I was disappointed in the food in general. The best meals we had were at the hotel. We went to a highly recommended place---George's in La Jolla that was supposed to be the best steak and seafood. It's one of those kind of places where the first two or three things in the description of a dish sound normal and then you don't have a clue what the ingredients are from there. Anyway, Mindy hit the nail on the head when she said that we're used to home cooking and (most recently) Cajun cuisine with sauces and butter. California cuisine is al fresco with crisp vegetables and odd combinations. They can keep it!
The weather was fabulous---60's every day. I could get used to that. Especially after returning home to 90's and all of my plants dried up. The flowers in SD were gorgeous.
This is the year for trips for us. Our next trip is our family vacation to Mackinac Island at the end of June. I'm still trying to get a trip to St. Louis planned for this summer.
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