Monday, November 9, 2020

Monday Mystery.

I've talked many times about how I'm a tea drinker. Not just a drinker, but a purist. I use loose tea and brew a pot every morning. Most of the time, Butch does it while I'm walking. That way it's ready when I get out of the shower.

Well, last week, I made the tea. I have a Mr. Coffee type maker that I use ONLY for tea. This time, I added the water and got it going. When it was finished, I took the top off with the filter and grounds. Floating on the top of my tea was a dead wasp!!

What??? How did that get in there? It's a mystery!

This is what I know. At this time of year, it's not unusual for wasps to come in the house. How they get in is another mystery. They are sluggish and slow. You do not have to fear them. I think they come in down the chimney, but don't know for sure. Since we have an exterminator come every 3 months, the wasps will usually be dead in no time. 

Anyway, I cannot figure out how that wasp got in my tea. If it was in the pot, I would have noticed when I filled it with water. If it was in the filter with the tea leaves, it would not have gotten in to the tea---being stopped by the filter. Even if it had made it past the filter, the hole would be too small for it to fit through to fall in to the pot. 

I just don't know. It's a mystery for sure! 


  1. I get the occasional wasp in my studio too, and sometimes they get as far as the office. But as you say they are on death's door and are easily scooped up and disposed. I didn't know they were tea drinkers.


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