Thursday, November 25, 2021

Happy Thanksgiving!

We are having a great time! The first day was really chilly at night! Still we made the most of it.
I've always wanted to see the Christmas decorations and they do not disappoint!
It's all so beautiful. It's Disney, so you wouldn't expect any less! Plus, we are really logging the miles: Tuesday--15,313 steps for 6 miles. Yesterday--21,440 steps for a total of 8.4 miles! Love racking up those miles. Actually, it's my incentive to keep moving. But, I'll admit, my feet hurt yesterday! We'll see how it goes today!

More to come!

I hope you all enjoy your Thanksgiving with your family. 

1 comment:

  1. Disney really know how to put on a show don't they? Lovely.


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