Okay, let's start with this--canned gravy.
I know what you are thinking---eewww! I would have agreed with you, but you know what they say (whoever "they" are): "Necessity is the mother of invention." Way back at Thanksgiving, we were at Morgan and Olly's. Well, apparently, when you smoke a turkey, you don't get any juice or turkey drippings. That sent us scrambling at the last minute looking for gravy. What I pictured seeing before was Heinz in a jar. Couldn't find that. So, when I saw Campbell's turkey gravy, I didn't really have much choice. We were pleasantly surprised. It was actually delicious.
When I later recounted the story to my friends, a couple of them turned up their noses--just like you did upon reading this. Don't try to weasel out of it, I know you did! Anyway, I say, don't knock it until you try it! I'll be buying it for this Thanksgiving. Let's face it, making gravy is one less last minute thing you have to do when getting that huge, multi-million dishes meal on the table. Making gravy is simple, but opening a can is simpler.
That leads to the second can--sausage gravy. I noticed it recently and decided to try it. When we went to breakfast with our friends, Pete and Susan after the 6 a.m. sunrise Mass on Easter, we went to the Loveless Cafe--an iconic, well-known Nashville hot-spot--even though we haven't been there in 30 years. They are known for their biscuits. They start you with a plate and then you get more with your meal. We took home the leftovers and I put them in the freezer. The next weekend, I whipped out the can of gravy, heated the rolls and just like that--breakfast. Very quick. The gravy was decent, lots of sausage, but definitely not better than my homemade. Still, it's worth it for the convenience when you are in the mood for biscuits and gravy. Oh, and did I mention that these gravies are cheap? Well, they are! Added bonus.
These next two items fall under the category of "what I didn't buy."
This. You might recall that I had my friend, Nancy, her daughter, Leigh and granddaughter, LaRue over for tea--exactly 4 weeks ago today. LaRue presented me with this lovely little vase of flowers. It has dried beautifully! I just love it still. It's going to stay here for awhile, but then I'll be moving it either to the sunroom or my nightstand.
I just love flowers. I have had success with drying them with a very simple method. Just let the vase run dry! So easy. Now, not every flower dries like this, but you'd be surprised at how many do. What have you got to lose? Give it a try.
Lastly, there's this.

Anyway, while at Target, I passed this. I backed up and did a double-take. What??? Ulta INSIDE Target? What, does Target own Ulta? There's still a Starbucks in Target too. Pretty soon, Target is going to be this giant store with lots of mini stores inside. I've never shopped at Ulta and don't plan to start now.
Okay, back to Target. I went in for exactly two things: the glasses and some yogurt covered fruit that's supposed to be really good and healthy. Yeah, healthy snacks. So much better than candy (not). Couldn't find either--no glasses nor fruit--and left. That has got to be a first for me. I went to Target and didn't buy a single thing. Nothing, nada, nothing at all, nil, zero, zilch--okay, that's enough now, you get the picture.
Unbelievable. I went to Target and didn't buy a thing. Yay for me! Perhaps I have conquered my Target addiction? I'm not betting on it yet!
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