Monday, April 29, 2024

Me on Monday

We got home Friday around 4:30. We stayed up until about 8 p.m. I woke up at 3 a.m.--7 hours of sleep is about right for me. We got up around 4 and started working. It was crazy. By 7 a.m. we had just about everything done:
cleaned my suitcase wheels--again, disgusting filth (I told Butch that I cleaned his wheels too.         He said that ever since I posted about the crud from the wheels, he's been doing his                 wheels! That's why I love that guy. He wants things to be as clean as I do!)
cleaned out my purse
cleaned out my carry on bag
sorted charger cords 
got the laundry going
paid bills
watered plants
food planned--got meat out to thaw
made the grocery list 
snapped picture for "What I Buy Wednesday" post
put the kitchen back together (the new sink was installed while we were gone. We had to             move everything off the countertops and under the sink).
I cleaned everything before putting it back. I didn't get rid of anything. I could easily have let many of the vases on the right--go, but I always have these views of me giving them away with flowers from my garden. I can count on one hand the number of times I've actually remembered to do that. But I'm going to!

By 8 a.m. I was up in my scrapbook room. No, I didn't try to address my sewing machine problems. I did text Karolyn to see when she could help me. She came over yesterday. 

I was working away when around 8:45 Butch asked if I wanted to go to At Home to get our new patio cushions. So, I got ready and off we went. We got the cushions, stopped at Home Depot and Loewes to get plants and did the grocery shopping. We were back by 11. 

Wow! We were accomplishing a lot! I put the groceries away while Butch started cleaning the patio furniture. By 12:30 he was finished. I was already in front of the tv catching up on shows and cropping my pictures for AYM. 

The day continued. I went out and spent about an hour doing my garden chores. I read, but didn't nap at all. I was hyped up. There's nothing that gets me going more than working. Now don't get me wrong, I love my leisure life. But there's something about traveling that gets us energized. I guess we feel like we've lazed around for a week, so it's time to get working!

So now, I'm going to let you in on a little of my crazy. Butch put a lot of the stuff back on the kitchen counters. He did this:
Look at it like this--kind of like that page in the Highlights magazine when you were a kid sitting in the doctor's or dentist's office. See if you can find the differences. 
He has reversed the tea
tins and put the teabag holder on the counter. This is how it's supposed to be. So there it is. I know it's crazy. but I can't help it. It's like something gets stuck in my brain and interferes with any other thoughts. I HAVE to fix it. Sometimes, I don't know how Butch puts up with it. I mean, it kind of drives me crazy too. Case in point. Right before we were getting ready to leave on our trip--I mean that very morning, I asked Butch to take the plants out. We have 8 that we over-winter in the sunroom. He did them all---but one. I asked him why he didn't take that one out. He said he just overlooked it. I said, "Well it would only take a minute," He said, "but I've already showered." He thought that was the end of it. A little later, I said, "You could just put it outside the door." He's like, "Barb, what difference does it make? I'll do it when I get home!" I replied, "But I can see it in the sunroom and it needs to be outside. The plants all need to start adjusting before the heat kicks in." He relented and just moved it outside. 

See what I mean? It's so ridiculous--and I know it. But you can look at it another way. If these are the worse "spats" we have, then I'm not going to worry about it!

So far, it's all still manageable. It's not like I have to check the stove 100 times--most likely not a problem--I don't cook that much!  Or check to make sure the door is locked. I don't care if the door is locked unless I'm home alone at night! I'll just carry on. 

1 comment:

  1. I feel exhausted just reading all that you managed to get done!
    There's a series on Netflix I just discovered, I think it's quite old - called Monk. He would be exactly the same about that plant!!


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