Wednesday, August 9, 2023

What I buy Wednesday

Warning! Butch--STOP reading right now!! Okay, I know you won't, but you've been warned!

I bought 5 new blouses---4 white and 1 pink.
What you see here are 4 of the 5. Four of the new ones needed ironing. One did not. The one on the far left--is an old linen one. Now to be clear, I don't iron! Pretty much ever. There is the occasional--like in May when Jordan and Robbie were here and he needed his new shirt ironed. But, I'd have to say in 28 years, if I've ironed 10 times that's a lot. Maybe I under-exaggerate. But the point is, I rarely iron. I only decided to iron that old linen one because I already had the iron out and heated up, so why not? That's the thing I love about linen--it's supposed to look wrinkled.

Don't get me wrong, the new blouses shouldn't need any further ironing. They just had some serious packing wrinkles from shipping. At least I hope they don't need ironing. We'll just have to wait and see.

Anyway, the need to iron led to this:
It was such a rare sight that Butch had to snap a picture! I think he couldn't believe his eyes!!! To tell you the truth, I think he's ironed more than me---he does his own. Back in the day, we had his dress shirts professionally done.

Anyway, back to me. When I finished, I added the blouses to the rest in my closet.
I know what you are saying, "Holy Mother of God!" Now to be fair, not all of these are blouses. The ones on the right are sweaters. I took this picture because I had to send it to Jordan, Morgan, Victoria, and Elizabeth. A couple years ago when we were having family pictures taken, I got a lot of grief from the grands. I wanted everyone to wear white tops and jeans. Seems everyone had to buy a white top. I couldn't believe it! Who doesn't own a white blouse?? Seriously, white goes with anything and everything. I sent this photo with the caption: "you can NEVER have too many crisp, white tops!"

Then I took this picture of the rest of my tops just for fun.
This is a perfect example of how I've always said, "You keep things that you don't really want, wear or need just because you have the space." I really do need to weed out--there are many here that I won't wear for one reason or another.

So, what do you have too many of? For me, it's more about the multiples thing I have going on.

Now let's talk about pashminas.
On second thought, let's not.

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