Thursday, August 31, 2023

Five Things Thursday

1. This is happening!!
Morgan and Olly's wedding is going to be here before we know it. 

2. When we were at Sandy's, she was wearing these cute shoes!
And no, she did not get them in Venice.

3. This happened in the course of a single day.
This house was torn down. It was an old (but still attractive) ranch--maybe from the 1960's. Had I known they were going to tear it down, I would have taken a picture. 
When I was on my way home later, it was like this! I didn't even know there was a pool there! This is pretty typical of Nashville. You buy a $750,000 home only to tear it down and re-build some multi-million dollar house. It's pretty unbelievable.

4. When we went to the grave of Coca Cola founder, John, Pemberton, I saw this:
It's the first time I've seen streets in a cemetery. I kinda' like that. When picking your lot, you can start with the street you like.

5. OMGosh! This is so true!
It's become a joke with us. EVERY time I go in the kitchen to do something---cook, make my lunch, whatever---it's a cue for Butch to follow me. We are then, constantly in each other's way! So annoying!

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