Tuesday, March 28, 2023

Tuesday Thoughts on...

...The Crown. You know, that ghastly series on Netflix? And yes, I am watching it. I actually like it except for the fact that there isn't much actually based on FACTS! Just a couple things I've noticed that are out-and-out untruths--or at the very least very misleading to the viewers.

Here are just a few things--all in one episode that are untrue:
1. There is no evidence that Princess Di talked to the Queen prior to her interview on tv.
2. There is no evidence that she voted "no" over and over again on the tv show to abolish the monarchy.
3. There's no evidence that Princess Di cooked breakfast for Prince Charles after the divorce. They lived separate lives.

I happen to be reading Lady in Waiting by the Queen's good friend, Lady Anne Glenconner. Ironically, as I was checking the veracity of the above incidences, I came across a statement by her. She says the show is complete fantasy.

What bothers me the most about the show is that so many (dare I say the majority)  will take everything as truth. 

Hasn't this poor family been through enough?


  1. I couldn't agree more. I haven't watched The Crown, it would require us to get Netflix & right now it's too costly. I've got Lady Anne Glenconner's book on request at the library.

  2. The Crown is on my to watch list, but I had already been warned they take liberties.


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