Tuesday, March 14, 2023

Tuesday Thoughts About...


I must have a psychological need for cookies. I love cookies.

I’ve been off of sugar for almost 4 weeks now. Last night, I dreamed of cookies. It was that time right before dawn when I usually have nightmares. Well, actually, this was a nightmare of sorts.

Butch and I were at a hotel with Stephanie and Nicky—I don’t. Know where. We were finishing lunch before going to our rooms to get ready for some fancy event. Butch and Nicky left Stephanie and me to deal with our demons—those cookies that were all over our table. They were in those semi-cardboard paper trays that French fries sometimes come in. So many cookies. So. Many. They were little, about the size of quarters but puffier—all colors, with frosting—sugar cookies, yeah that’s it. And then there were chocolate chip cookies the size of paper plates. Seriously that big!

I said, "I’m taking some cookies back to our room." Steph decided she’d do the same. I picked up one of those trays and then stacked another tray on top. That’s when it happened. The cookie monster in me came out. I couldn’t get enough of those cookies.  I filled two more trays. 

I grabbed a couple of those plate-size chocolate chips and realized there was oatmeal raisin underneath. I hate raisins and usually pass those up. But no, not this time. I heaped some on. When my pile of cookies was about a foot high—no lie—I decided I’d cover them with napkins to hide the fact that I was taking so many cookies. But, they only had little, Starbucks-size napkins. Still, I covered the cookies with about 10 or 12 napkins. It was a balancing act the likes you've never seen. 

Steph—who only had one small tray—and I headed for the elevator through a crowded lobby. My napkins started to catch on the breeze of walking while I tried to hold them in place. I don’t know how it happened but I performed the most amazing feat. One of the cookies started to fall off the plate—but somehow behind me! I, dexterously reached behind me and caught it without toppling the pile.

That’s when I woke up with this thought: I have got to get on the treadmill! I’ve been slow to get back into that daily routine after all of our travels. Right at that moment, Butch came in with my morning tea which is how I prefer to start my day along with my book--in bed. But, up I got. 

Something tells me I need to stay off of sugar. Or at least cookies. Oh no, the injustice of it all! I love cookies. Or maybe I need to stop watching Alone that my brother, Matt got me hooked on. Those people don’t dream about cookies, they DAY dream about them. I guess I better not try out for that show either. I don’t need to worry about bears getting me AND cookies—the far greater monster—in my mind!

1 comment:

  1. I tried to get off sugar at the beginning of Lent and didn't last a full week. I am pledging to start again today, although I really wish DIL hadn't brought cute and yummy sugar cookies for Easter, and not remembering she was bringing dessert, I wish I hadn't gotten the Snickers and Reese's ice creams. Maybe I'll give up sugar next Monday. ;-)


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