Monday, March 20, 2023

Me on Monday or Monday Mystery... pick.

I am officially an idiot! Here's the story:

This past weekend, Sandy and Greg were in town. On Friday morning, I said, "Oh remember, we have to change the clocks tomorrow." Greg spoke up and said, "No, that was last weekend." I looked at Butch and he said, "Yeah, that was last weekend!" 

I couldn't believe it. How could I have possibly missed it? I really couldn't figure it out. Then I realized that Butch must have changed all the clocks while I was still in bed reading last Sunday morning. Remember, my favorite thing to do is wake up, Butch brings in my tea and I read for awhile. 

Yep, that's what happened. Without me ever realizing it, the clocks were changed and that was that. Except, all week, I kept thinking, "Wow, I can't believe it's still dark at 6:30 a.m." I thought that several times. Now I understood. I never even noticed that it was light later in the evening.

Here's the mystery part. I spent a lot of time in my scrapbook room last week. I kept looking at the little clock I have there and thinking, "How can this clock be off an hour?" I thought that maybe I didn't realize it was always off and that I hadn't changed it in the fall. Still, I used that clock to remind myself when I needed to quit working for whatever my next activity might be. I ended up constantly checking my phone. It wasn't until yesterday morning--after all the girls left--when I was back in my scrapbook room, that it dawned on me. That was the only clock in the house that hadn't been changed--due to me not knowing that Daylight's Savings Time had already passed me by. And to think I never even missed the loss of that hour! 

Could I be any more of an idiot? Oh well, I doubt I'll be changing any time soon.


  1. I shall have to remember this - we put our clocks forward an hour this weekend! I once drove with my car showing the wrong time for six months because I couldn't remember how to change it!

  2. Too funny! I agree with Deb, remembering how to change the car clock is the worst.


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