Thursday, March 9, 2023

Five Things Thursday

1. Is this not the cutest thing you've ever seen?
Now follow along with me here. Meet Selena. She is Justin's brother, Corey and sister-in-law, Emily's darling little girl. Emily posted this picture on Instagram yesterday (and Facebook) in honor of International Women's Day. I just love it!

2. 1. I just love these furniture ideas for pets.
This way, the dog doesn't have to be in the bed (yuck). But I still think the one Olly made for Walter, Finn and Joey is the BEST!
Isn't the portrait of them above so cute? 
Walter, Joey and Finn--the boys.

3. Now here's a story. One morning a couple weeks ago, our cleaning lady at the beach sent me a text message saying: "Call me asap." Now whenever you get a message like this you know it's not going to be good. We haven't been down there since November. She was there to do "spring cleaning" (which she does very thoroughly). I thought she was going to tell me that we had a leak and stuff was ruined or some other bad scenario. So, I called her and put her on speaker for Butch---no way did I want to deal with this alone.
We breathed a sigh of relief when she told us that she accidentally broke our ceiling fan. Whew! She wanted to pay for it, but we said, "no, stuff happens!" I ordered a new one and had it sent to her house. She had her husband install it. She ended up giving me a discount on the deep cleaning that was just about equal to the cost of the fan!  We really like her a lot. She's not perfect, but she does the best job of anyone we've ever had down there! 

4. We've been having unusually nice weather. In fact we've been breaking records. 
Butch and I have gone over to Radnor Lake a couple times. He hikes the ridges---all uphill and steep while I walk the lake trail---mostly flat with a few rises. We meet back at the car. I usually finish about 5 minutes before him. The turtles were out and sunning. There was one log that mush have had 20 of them on it. That picture didn't turn out well.
I usually see the herons too. Seems every living thing wants to be out in the sun and warm temperatures.

5. Well, my Storyworth book has finally been published. I love it---actually, I loved the process of telling my stories this year. I've put it next to my small iPad so you could tell the size.
I'm pretty sure this means I'm an author now. And, I have the sales to prove it! 8 books! Yep, 8 sales. Surely it's on its way to the best-seller list!! I guess I better start watching the NYTimes!!

Okay, 1 sale of 8 books. So is it the number of sales or the number of books? 

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