Thursday, September 9, 2021

Five Things Thursday

1. This is my public service announcement for the week!
Get the vaccine!

2. People are so creative!!

I had no idea that someone would figure out how to turn a mask in to a "snap" bracelet!
No excuses! You will always have a mask handy. (No, I didn't buy one.)

3. Ya' gotta' love a friend that brings you homemade strawberry jelly and fresh tomatoes!
Thanks Karolyn!!

4. Ingenious! 
Another unique idea--turning old phones and phone cords in to sheep! No, I wouldn't buy one. Still, it's pretty clever. I could see it winning some sort of contest for recycling.

5. Recently, we got an Uber to the airport.
I had no idea some cars still had window "rollers." I thought they were all electric these days. I was tempted to give it a twist, but resisted--you know, germs and all!

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