Tuesday, August 25, 2020

Tuesday Thoughts About...

...leaving stuff lying around. I've recently noticed that I only tend to get worked up if the stuff lying around is his. My own stuff doesn't seem to bother me. 

We each have "areas" that are ours---like the tables next to our chairs in the family room. Those are pretty junky with every day stuff. And, he has his "bowl" in the kitchen where his stuff tends to be all around the bowl, even though there's still plenty of room IN the bowl. Occasionally if that gets to be too much for me, I simply scoop it all up and dump it in to the bowl. It fits the term I coined years ago with my organizing business---"organized chaos"---for those areas that just need to be corralled and most likely will never stay neat and organized. Somehow, having it all contained is better than all sprawled out.

That's pretty much it. We don't have junk lying all over the house. If we did, I'd go crazy! I prefer neat and tidy. Okay, my scrapbook room is usually pretty neat and tidy, but is so crammed full of stuff, that it can be hard to tell!

Then there's this:
My shoes in the dining room. Since I've been walking every morning, they have been here. I sit on the steps and just have to reach around to put them on. Makes sense since I go in and out the front door. 

Last week, we were putting a few things in the dining room that we plan to take to the beach in a couple weeks. I looked at my shoes and said to Butch, "You know if those were your shoes I wouldn't be able to stand it." He simply said, "I know."

And that's why we get along so well!! As long as it's my stuff, it's okay! And that's just how it is!

1 comment:

  1. I like your way of thinking - only someone else's mess bothers you! I think I may be the less tidy of the two of us, but I can normally lay my hands on whatever I am looking for so my chaos is definitely organised!


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