Saturday, January 21, 2023

Something for Saturday

Still catching up around here. And, if I'm honest, my blog is not at the top of my priority list right now. 

So, this gives me a chance to focus on Mindy who is in the midst of some much-needed re-organization at her place. Justin too, although, she didn't send me any pictures of what he's accomplished. They have a somewhat small-ish condo. It doesn't take long for it to be cluttered with "stuff"--and not always the "stuff" they actually need and use. In her words:

Justin and I have started our organizing. He’s doing better than me and already finished his closet (he said he’s gotten rid of 40+ T-shirts already). My goal for the weekend was my side of the bathroom: double under-sink cabinet and all 3 middle drawers.

The result:

The purge took a solid 2.5 hours of working yesterday. I THREW AWAY an entire trash bag of stuff... more that I ended up throwing away today). That doesn’t include the bag of stuff that I’m going to let my nieces go through and/or donate (lots of travel-size and free-sample makeup and skincare that have never been used, plus some full-sized products as well).

I really wish I weighed how much stuff I’m getting rid of. I don’t know how all that fit under my sink.

I told myself that once I did the purge I could go to the container store and get some of those nice acrylic organizing containers for my drawers (at least for the ones that held my makeup and skincare). Justin and I did that this morning. Dad would be proud— I took measurements and everything before I went. There is only one thing that was off by about a millimeter that will have to go back.

I wish I took “before” pictures of everything that Justin and I worked on before we started. I took one of under my sink but forgot about the drawers. I still need a couple of baskets for under the sink, and obviously, we still have the whole rest of our condo left, but at least we are making progress.

I’ve always said we aren’t “dirty” people, just have lots of stuff in a small place. That being said, we are obviously using this time to “clean”—washed my makeup brushes, wiped down all my product containers, etc.). Justin said he thinks he ran the washing machine and dishwasher probably 3 times each yesterday. 

Oh… I also discovered I have apparently inherited your “duplicates” problem. I need nearly a whole drawer just for the “backups” of my beauty products! FIVE of my favorite eyeliner, FOUR cuticle creams, FIVE toothbrushes, SIX travel toothpastes, etc.

Back to me. One thing you need to know about Mindy. When she does the least thing "adult-ish" even though she's 38, she can't wait to share with me! It always cracks me up. At least she's graduated from "Mom, you'd be so proud of me! I paid my auto insurance!" 

Yes, Mind, I'm proud of you, now and always! Keep going and before you know it, you'll have your whole place back in "ship-shape." You are doing it right. Take it one small step at a time and little by little you'll get it done. I'm adding that encouragement here because, although I've offered my help, she says she doesn't want my judgment. Me, judgmental? Not me.

Anyway, keep sharing!! I love seeing and hearing all about it!

1 comment:

  1. That is quite a bag of trash. It sounds like they are both making major progress.


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