It looks like sheffelera leaves to me. They are outside on the wall, but in the walkway where they would get no rain. I stepped closer to look at them.
They are in test tubes mounted on wood. It was a mystery to me as to how they would be watered. It's usually pretty hot in Egypt. I thought there would be no way someone would actually be watering them. Then I came across this one morning.
Yep, someone was watering them!! He had a spray bottle. I just wonder how often he has to do it. In the midst of summer, it seems to me that it would have to be done every day. I didn't see these anywhere else. But what a job. I can't believe that one person has to water them constantly. I sure do like the way it looks though.
Mystery solved!
I keep seeing these "living wall" type displays more and more, and I just don't get it. Maybe I would if I were a gardener?