Monday, January 2, 2023

Morgan on Monday

Well, in light of the story Morgan told us over the holidays, I just have to give her a feature!

Now I'm not going to get all the medical terms correct, but I do have the gist of the story.

When Morgan got her first job as a Nurse Practitioner in September, she went to work at an urgent care clinic on a college campus in Illinois. There's just her and the doctor who owns it along with some nurses. At the very beginning, he told her that since these were kids there would most likely never be any heart issues. Mostly sick kids--but she did put stitches for the first time in a guy's finger. He had some cock n' bull story as to how it happened. Morgan was a little nervous since it was her first time stitching a person. She had a little trouble with the knots, but in the end, she managed. Nothing like "on-the-job training!"

Well, a few days before Christmas, she had a 19 yr. old boy come in to the clinic with chest pains. She went through all the normal questions. She ordered an EKG. She did not like how the results looked. She took them into the doctor who impatiently asked her why she ran that test. He sort of blew her off along with the results saying that there were a number of things that could have caused the reading. 

So, not to be deterred, she moved the boy to another room and ran the test again. Same results. She went back to the doc who then realized that she was right and there was a serious problem. The boy was sent to the hospital. I don't really know what his problem was, but basically, Morgan saved his life!! 

She overheard the doctor singing her praises and quick thinking. The boy's family thanked her too.

She was feeling pretty proud of herself---and so are we!!! She is one smart cookie!


  1. Thank goodness for her tenacity and refusing to believe that he was 'too young' for heart issues. I hope that the doctor who was on duty that day has learnt from her that you must never assume that a test may be wrong just because it has thrown up a result you weren't expecting. Well done Morgan!

  2. Oh my, that's scary when doctors don't have the time to focus when they need to. Yay for Morgan!


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