Monday, September 24, 2018

Monday Mystery

I gave the girls updates daily of my Fitbit results. It was a mystery to Karolyn and Stephanie that my numbers were a bit higher than theirs. Now remember, we weren't always together. Still, to test it out, Stephanie and I checked our numbers and then set off to meet Nancy and Karolyn at a pub. We probably walked about a half mile from Buckingham Palace---maybe a little more. Anyway, the numbers were just about exact, so the mystery was solved! I just walked more!

I had to make an adjustment because my Fitbit didn't even register the first day. I think it had something to do with syncing and the time change. So, I took the whole week's average to get that first day.

Here are the "deets" for the week:

Steps---97,497 (my best day 18,169)
Miles---39.74 (10 miles more than our San Francisco/Yosemite trip)
Flights of stairs---134 (this also includes inclines---only 89 in Yosemite)
Active minutes---3.64 hours (Steph said this is not based on my heart rate, but rather more on speed---that explains one day where I had nearly 16,000 steps, but no (0) active minutes)
Calories burned---14,898 (that means if I didn't eat anything at all, I could have lost 4 lbs. An average woman needs 2000 calories a day to maintain her weight. Now I'm no math whiz, but assuming I only ate 2000 a day---I just stayed even for the week!)
No mystery here. I need to take more trips!!

1 comment:

  1. And after eating all those afternoon teas too - you're a good advert for the walking holiday diet!


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