Tuesday, August 3, 2021

Tuesday Thoughts About....


So, I'm going to admit it right now. I might have some hoarding tendencies. There, I've said it. 

You might have noticed that I refer to myself as having a "multiples" problem. The truth of it is, I have this deeply embedded idea that I need more than one---just in case I can't get it again if something happens to the first one. That's really the root of it. I want what I want. 

I have no idea how that ever started or why. I'm sure some psychologist would have a field day with that. Maybe it goes all the way back to hunting for soda bottles to get the deposit to buy candy. I don't know.

Well, lately I've been watching Hoarders on Netflix. As I sit there thinking, "how can people live like this?" I realize that I'm being pretty "judgy." I don't mean to be. Especially since I know that I could easily go down that path. I have a lot of stuff. I look in on these people and think, "how can they keep so much trash and junk?" But then I also know that "one person's trash is another person's treasure." Or at least that was the philosophy behind garage sales in the 70's---of which  I frequented.

I have a lot of stuff. Okay, let's call it what it is---junk (not really, it's good stuff). Call it what you will, it's definitely not trash. Now don't get me wrong, my house doesn't look like a hoarders house--at--all. Well, except maybe my scrapbook room. But then again, my room doesn't look much different from any other crafters room. 

Anyway, I feel really sorry for the people. I understand being paralyzed with where to begin--not to mention the psychological aspect of keeping all that junk. And as I keep preaching, "our kids don't want our junk either!" 

But the show bothers me on another level. Not only are we viewers looking in and judging, the organizers, psychologist and family members are downright bullying the hoarder. They threaten and gang up on those poor people. I know it's got to be so frustrating. Maybe yelling at them is the only way to get them to turn loose of it. 

At first I thought they were getting paid. Otherwise, why would anyone put up with the abuse? But then I realized that what they are probably getting is the "free" clean out. Also they are offered some on-going counseling. Some take it, some don't. I do like that at the end of the show, they let you know how that person was doing. Many have gone back to their hoarding ways by going to flea markets and garage sales to replace things that were disposed of.

Perhaps the best way to handle it would be for the hoarder to just not be there. Honestly, I think I would be okay if someone volunteered to clean out all of my closets and just haul it away without me being there. Well, except not my clothes closet---I keep that pretty cleaned out. Hmmm. Maybe we should start with Mindy's closet!!

I don't know why I watch. I guess I'm trying to measure my own mental health! Or, more likely, I'm looking for incentive to get my own place cleaned out! 

Oh, and one last thing. God bless those people that actually do the cleaning out. I could never deal with that level of disgust!

1 comment:

  1. I've watched that kind of programme too and get caught between feeling sorry for the people who are the hoarders and hope they get some counselling to stop them returning to those ways, and then very sorry for those people who clear the houses, I know that is not a job I could do!


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