Monday, August 2, 2021

Monday Mystery

Another one in the books and it's happened again.
Butch got this puzzle for his birthday. It has been awhile since we've done one. As we were working, there were a couple pieces that we just couldn't place. There was no place for them to go, so we put them off to the side.
It wasn't until we finished that we found out where they went. Look real close!
The puzzle makers threw in two extra pieces. At least these went with this puzzle. Last year we did one where the extra pieces didn't even go with the puzzle we were working! And before you think we just got them mixed up from other puzzles--well, they are new when we open them and we don't do them twice!!

It's a mystery that there are a couple extra pieces---and it happens more often than we'd realized. I wonder if this is a "thing" to confuse dissectologists. Yep, that's what we're called. Dissectologists--people who do jigsaw puzzles! 

I'll bet you didn't know that! Now you do!

1 comment:

  1. I have never heard of puzzle companies adding a couple of extra pieces!


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