Saturday, August 14, 2021

A Few Things From France

1. People line up in the center of a busy street to try to get the perfect shot of the Eiffel Tower. Crazy!
2. This was the first "robotic" lawnmower I'd ever seen. This one is in Ambois at the castle. That's Leonardo da Vinci's memorial in the background. He was originally buried there, but then moved when that church burned down. Anyway, we've seen those mowers all over. When we were at one of the abbeys, the monk who was our tour guide said it was called a "Rumba"---must be the same as our robotic vacuums of the same name. The best part---the mowers are completely silent!!
3. This is the "hall of mirrors" at Versailles. I took this picture because when we were there 30 years ago, we were packed in her like sardines! Literally crowded shoulder to shoulder. Not this time.
After our tour of Versailles, I was out enjoying the gardens with beautiful music playing in the background until this happened! Are you kidding me? I cannot seem to escape mowers and weed eaters. It's an everyday occurrence at home. You would think that Versailles could afford 100 rumbas!
4. One last thing before leaving Paris---geo-caching! I guessed that it was going to be this bike chained to the fence. 
I was right, but you do feel funny messing around with someone's bike. There was a combination lock on the attached bag. Once Butch got that open, the container was inside.
5. This is our view overlooking the Seine from our royal suite. All along the river are beautiful castles, gardens and quaint, little towns. It's all just so pretty. I know I said that about the Danube too. We are definitely "sold" on river cruises. You just get such an unusual perspective seeing a city from the water.

I have much more to share. In due time--or I should say, when I have the time!

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