Friday, August 13, 2021

It Was Bound to Happen!

It was just a matter of time. Everyone who knows me, knows that I am a faller! (I've got to stop saying that--maybe I'm jinxing myself!)

My friends and family might remember one of my most famous falls of all time. About 20 years ago, Butch and I were in New York. We were having brunch at The Plaza Hotel. On my way back from the dessert bar, I missed a step and fell! I mean an ugly sprawled out fall. Besides the embarrassment of it, the worst part was that I fell in to my desserts! I quickly jumped up and with a little help, tried as best I could to "clean" myself off. I returned to the table and sat down nonchalantly. Butch had his back to the whole situation and didn't know that I had fallen. He looked at me quizzically and said, "I thought you were going for dessert." I replied, "I changed my mind." To that he said, "Hmm. Then why do you have whipped cream on your shoulder?" With that, I was "outed!" I think he was happy to NOT have seen it! Quite a spectacle.

Well, it happened again yesterday. We had returned from Monet's garden. There was a pastry demonstration by a local baker.
He called for some audience participation, but Nicky pretended to be fooling around with his phone!! He made cream puffs---although they had some fancy, French name. Actually now that I say it, the name was probably the real French words for cream puffs. We had a tasting of those, and then they passed out these little pastries.
Stephanie had been dying for macaroons. That's the turquoise one. We also had this little shortbread topped with cream and a strawberry. Both were delicious. 
We felt a little sorry for the baker because he had a table set up of things for purchase from his shop. Well, the cruise director forgot to mention it. Stephanie and I had planned to buy anyway. This is what I got. In the front is some sort of meringue, strawberry preserves and raspberry preserves. The flower is the table decoration. Oh, and I had a cosmo too. The plate with the desserts was an extra. They had some leftover, so we decided to take them back to our "royal" suite! Did I mention that we got a "royal" suite? Okay, now I'm just bragging!!

Anyway, Butch was helping me carry everything back. I had my cosmo in one hand and the dessert plate in the other (Butch was carrying a dessert plate and everything else. He asked me if I was okay. I said I was. About that time, I reached the top step and tripped! OMGosh! I couldn't believe I'd done that. I didn't fall completely down, just to one knee. But the strawberry dessert sort of bounced off the plate. I didn't even spill the cosmo (okay maybe a little slosh). I quickly picked up the strawberry cream and scooped what I could off the floor. The cruise director ran over to see if I was okay. I told him that I was, but had made somewhat of a mess. By that time, someone else was running over with a wet cloth. We quickly proceeded to our room where Butch said that I am no longer allowed to do stairs without me using the handrail or his arm. Fine with me. I know I'm not so good with stairs if I can't hold on! 

Oh, and one other thing. I think I got a little of the whipped cream in my hair--or the cosmo sloshed on it. I'm not sure which but I had a little wet sticky spot that I had to rinse off.

So, fast forward to today. We were coming back from lunch. I had ordered an extra glass of iced tea (due to Covid, no disposable or plastic products). I was carrying one, Butch was carrying the other along with his glass of wine. Well, wouldn't you know it! He stumbled on the top stair too! Steph and Nicky were there to witness it. I quickly said, "Yeah, now you see how easy that happens!" Of course, he laughed when it was him!! 

There are a few things I'm worried about here:
1. Steph and Nicky are not going to want to travel with us. 
2. You might think that the cosmo had something to do with it. It didn't as I'd only had a couple sips at that point.
3. You can put a girl in a "royal" suite, but that doesn't make her "royal." And...
4. I just hope I never have to say those words, "Help, I've fallen and I can't get up!" 

1 comment:

  1. Some people like to make a grand entrance, sounds like you like to make a grand exit!
    Isn't it horrible when you fall? Even more so when it looks like a cocktail may have been involved!


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