Wednesday, July 28, 2021

What I Buy Wednesday

I mentioned last week that I had some volumizing shampoo that I didn't like because of the smell. Well, I'm a sucker for any hair products that promise any sort of thickening. I need as much volume as I can get. In fact, I kept a perm in my hair for years for just that reason. Now I'm wearing it straight, but it's flat. As a result, I'm always willing to try any product that promises fuller hair. Soooo, I bought this:
It's called Virtue. We'll see how it works. I haven't tried it yet. Fingers crossed. I'm always hopeful!

Now for what I didn't buy. It's been a couple years since I've been shopping. I specifically went to Dillards because I still have the gift card that I got from Stephanie and Nicky for Mother's Day. I browsed around for awhile, but didn't really see anything I "needed"! However, I saw a few things I would have liked.
These slides are so cute! Unfortunately, I can't wear this style of shoe anymore.
And these. Of course, I like anything sparkly. 

I wasn't really shopping for shoes because I have quite a nice collection already. I've always loved shoes, so I'm certain I could have found a pair or two. But, I've been getting the cutest shoes from my Stitch Fix boxes. Actually, that's where I'm getting most of my clothes these days too. No hunting for petite lengths that actually fit me. That's always been a problem. Now they come to me every 6 weeks! 

That's it for my shopping report this week. 

Oh wait! Camp Aunt Barb starts on Thursday. I did get something cute for that.
My niece, Jackie got me the cups that she cut the "Camp Aunt Barb" logo that she designed last year. She used her Cricut with vinyl. I bought the name straws off of Etsy. I always like to have some sort of surprise for the kids. 

I look forward to "Camp Aunt Barb" every year. I have a lot of things planned. It's gotten to where the kids are now making requests to do some of their favorite things they've done each year. That makes me happy. My sister, Jeanne said that her grands---Travis and Nathan are already packed! I have't really heard anything from the girls, but they could have been packed for a week! I can't wait!

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