Monday, July 12, 2021

Monday Mystery

So. I talk about the podcasts I listen to. They definitely make walking more pleasurable and helps to pass the time. I have many different ones that I enjoy. I switch them up all the time. While we were at the beach, I was listening to one called Thi$ is Uncomfortable. Yes, that dollar sign is correct. The whole series is about money. 

At the beach, the one I listened to was so intriguing. The victim of identity theft, was telling her story. It was so interesting that when she said she'd written a book about her experience, I knew I wanted to read it. I'm already thinking ahead to book club--it might be a good "pick." I always like to make one of my books---we choose two each time---a non-fiction, true story, self help, get what I mean.

I went to Amazon to get some information. I screen-shotted this. Do you notice anything mysterious about it?
Now look again!
Really??!! How is this even possible? A mystery for sure. I don't recall ever seeing a paperback book that cost more than the hardcover! But then again, since I'm always using my Kindle these days, I'm not really up on print books anyway. As it is, the Kindle books tend to be more than regular paperbacks. But, definitely not this one!

What?? I just don't get it! Definitely a mystery to me!

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