Wednesday, February 22, 2023

What I Buy Wednesday

Well, it's been another week where I didn't buy anything. But, Butch can't say the same!! 

He's getting excited about his new garage! As you read this, it's time to start putting stuff back. He bought himself a new utility sink. He wasn't going to get one, but I said (just like I did when we re-did his office and he balked at new carpeting), "Why would you go to all this trouble to freshen and make everything look new again and then keep that old sink?" So, he took me up on it. 
I thought it was going to be $30. I was wrong about that!! That's fine with me. I want it all to look new!

Then he needed a "light/magnifier" for his workbench. I didn't know they made such a thing, or that he needed it. But on the other hand, sometimes I need a light magnifier for my stitching, so I guess it's justified. Now I'd like to see him actually working at his workbench!

And then there was this--out of the blue. He bought himself a brand-new "Margaritaville" bike. 
He was talking about it a couple years ago, but it was constantly out of stock. Now all of a sudden, it's available, so he ordered it. He wants to ride it at the beach. Okay, fine. We need another bike like--I mean, with the garage re-do, he gave my cruiser bike like this to the kids across the street. I guess he didn't want to be seen on a girl's bike. Okay, fine.

I told him I might need to deny his access to Amazon!! 

I guess it's a good thing I haven't bought anything for a couple weeks!

1 comment:

  1. Sounds like Butch has been enjoying his retail therapy!


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