Monday, February 27, 2023

Me on Monday

I decided that I wanted to share this story with you. A year ago, the girls gave me a subscription to Storyworth. Each Monday, I get a question to answer. At the end of the year, all of my stories are compiled into a book--part of the subscription. I have loved it so much that I've recommended it to friends and got Butch a subscription too.

My question for today was: "Have you ever gotten a bad haircut?" Here's my response:

OMGosh did I have a bad haircut?! 

It was about 1973—before the days when I had a regular hairstylist. I had somewhat “longish” hair—maybe a few inches below my shoulders. It was long and scraggly—the reason I do not like long hair. I decided that I was ready for a change—and I was an adult now. I wanted something stylish and fresh. I wanted the new haircut known as the “shag.” Basically, a medium-length “do” AND scraggly! I thought that would be perfect for me. Everyone was wearing it—even rock stars like Mick Jagger and David Cassidy (okay he was only a teen pop star—but I loved him nonetheless!). All the stars were sporting it. I loved the carefree look. Instead, I got this mess:

As you can see in the only picture I have of my cut—my cousin, Chrissy had the exact look. I don’t recall, but that might have been my motivation to do it—as we always copied each other. My cut looked more like a bad mullet. It was awful. I hated it and couldn’t do a thing with it. I sobbed after it was done—too late. It was so embarrassing! To make matters worse, I was in my cousin’s wedding around this time. I ended up growing my hair out again. 

Here are a couple examples from the 70’s of what the shag was supposed to look like:

As I was doing a little research, it turns out that the shag made a comeback in 2020. I still love it, but am not about to try it again!

How cute is this? 

Honestly, the bottom line is I’ve never had good hair. My favorite hairstyle of all time is this:

This is the closest I ever came to the look I wanted—-and I was too young to know this would be the best it ever got!

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