Tuesday, October 22, 2024

Tuesday Thoughts About...


In Church on Sunday, the sermon was about happiness. There was a quote by a 14th or 15th century philosopher who said that if you want to be happy, you have to serve others. 

OMGosh! That really hit home with me. I discovered this all on my own years ago. It makes me happy to help people. In fact, I've even blogged about this before. February of 2017 to be exact. Back then, I said:

"Feeling down or "blue" is, in my mind---a very selfish thing. When I'm like this, I'm only thinking about myself. The best way to get myself out of this is to start focusing on others. I can remember in the past, actually looking at my watch and saying to myself, "okay Barb, you have exactly 10 minutes to wallow in it. Then you have to get moving." I was doing nearly full time volunteer work at the time. It's pretty hard to think only of  yourself when you actually have to be thinking of others!

So there it is. I'm going to focus on other things now. Sometimes, things come to you when you least expect it. A friend called this morning in distress. She needs my help to "fix" a hundred invitations that came back boring. That will definitely keep me busy. And is totally right up my alley. Plus, I leave for Charlotte on Sunday to spend some time with "my girls!" That will definitely cheer me up. Sandy and I have a plan to do some table decorating. I'm looking forward to that."

As I was thinking about this in Church, I thought back through the years and how I've served (helped) just about everyone in my life at one time or another--mostly organizing or other physical work. And, I loved every minute of it. That makes me happy.

It's really nice to know that I already figured out the key to happiness! Just serve others! Works for me! 

Well, most of the time!

1 comment:

  1. That's very true. It does give you a nice warm glow when you realise you have helped someone out or lightened their load doesn't it?


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