Sunday, October 20, 2024

Something for Sunday

About a week ago, I got this cute invitation:

There's only one problem: Connie didn't mention Amanda at all! Amanda is the one who did ALL the decorating and planned the games. It was fabulous!
Walking up to the door was very festive! Do you notice anything? Look really close!

Can you see it?
It's a rat! When we were scrapbooking two weeks ago, Nancy A. brought this and scared me with it ALL weekend! Then, when I got home, she got me again--by tucking it into my scrapbooking stuff. I then put it in Butch's car and "got" him. He said he almost had a heart attack. 

Anyway, I was just waiting to unload it at Connie's. Wherever I put it in the house, it kept freaking me out. I finally put it in my car with a blanket over it. 

My plan was that I was going to tuck it in somewhere on the porch.

There were plenty of places, but then I had the thought--what if one of my friends--all of whom are elderly (well except Christy and Mindy)--were so frightened that they fell backwards down the steps? I just thought that could end badly.
So instead, I put it at the bottom of the steps. It was fully visible--but no one noticed it. I decided that I wasn't going to say anything and just leave it. As we were leaving, Nancy E. was the only one who noticed. I don't think it even scared her. I'm telling you, this thing is freaky with natural hair, long claws, and teeth. I couldn't stand looking at it! I'm glad it's now up to Connie to unload it somewhere!

Anyway, back to the party. When you step through the front door, everything is decorated. This is where Amanda's handwork comes in.
On the entry table was a collection of pumpkins along with a basket of party favors.
These are so darn cute! Amanda made them.

They are s'mores kits: graham crackers, Halloween Peeps, and mini Hershey bars. All you have to do is put them in the microwave.
Our hostesses! I wish I had gotten a picture with Connie and me, but I didn't think of it.

The first thing we had to do was guess how many mints are in the jar--without going over. 
After I made my guess, I was pretty sure that I had said too many--156. The winner was Linda. She guessed 126 and there were 127!! Unbelievable that she almost nailed it! Her prize was the jar and mints.

Next up, we moved to the beverage station to pick out a cup and a drink. We visited a bit and then moved in to the dining room.
They went all out with game prizes--making sure that each person would get one. --well, until Mindy started winning all the games. Her youth and the fact that she still watches kids shows and knows ALL the candy, certainly gave her an edge over us seniors! I think she won--like 4 times! Finally, our hostesses had her go up against the next guest nearest to her with "Rock, Paper, Scissors!" That was interesting because we found out that our friend, Linda HAD NEVER HEARD OF IT! What??? I asked her if she grew up under a rock and then continued to give her a hard time about her privileged background (she didn't really have a privileged background, but I just figured if she didn't now about rock, paper scissor, she must not have played with other kids!). 

The table was beautifully set.

We played all Halloween variations of a dice game, Family Feud, match up the candies with their advertising slogans, and a couple word games. Our families loves games, so that was really fun. 

I knew I wanted pictures, so I snapped some of everyone at the table:
Amanda, Connie and Nancy A. (responsible for that darn rat!)
I realize that I failed to get Nancy E. in the picture. She was on the other side of Linda on the left--Christy in the middle and Karolyn on the end. Then I turned my phone over to Karolyn to snap a shot of Mindy and me. Well, that's the last time I trust her!!! She didn't actually "take" the picture. She pointed it at us and looked like she took it, but there was no picture there. 

What was I thinking? I know better! A couple years ago, I had a really big Christmas party. I was going to put Morgan and Olly on pictures as they always take tons. Karolyn offered to handle them. I agreed. After the party was over, I texted her and asked her to send me the pictures. That's when she replied, "ooops! I forgot!" 

I am sorry that I didn't get a picture of Mindy and me. She looked so cute with her crisp white blouse (that's another story). I was kind of cute too--well, as cute as I can get these days! I had on a Halloween shirt that I really like. It has a witch on a broomstick with the caption: "Of course I can drive a stick!" And yes I can!

Now back to the party.

We had a delicious lunch of lasagne, salad (which we discovered was still delicious even though Connie forgot to add the main ingredient--avocados!), rolls, green bean bundles, and stuffed chicken breasts. She added those at the last minute because she thought Mindy didn't like lasagne. She does, but she still ate some of the chicken--as did others. She encouraged everyone to go back for seconds, but nobody did. I wanted more of the "avocado-less" salad, but didn't want to be the only one going back. We had buntinis for dessert--the perfect little sweet treat! 

Everyone had such a fun time. I'm happy that since Amanda now lives with her parents, I get to see her so much more! Plus, I have really enjoyed Mindy being out-of-work. Connie and I have so much fun with our friends. It's been nice having our girls around to join in now and then. She mentioned something about making this an annual event. I hope they do. 

Thanks you two!!!

1 comment:

  1. What a fun party! So much thought went into making it great, you're lucky to have such a close group of girls to get together with.


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