Sunday, July 28, 2024

Something for Sunday

A week ago last Friday, we went down to The Nashville City Club--where Justin is the Marketing Manager. He was putting on a "Murder Mystery Dinner." The theme was '80's, so, Mindy & Justin, Stephanie & Nicky all dressed up! Not me. The only thing I could think to do was to get myself some big hair. But I didn't. I just went as myself!

Justin had something to do with our table seating.
Considering our recent NKOTB concert, this was perfect. 

We had a three course dinner starting with a wedge salad. The main course was this:
Seafood Newburg in a puff pastry. It was delicious---and huge! The asparagus was cooked perfectly--firm, but not raw! Normally, restaurants do it way too crunchy for my taste. 

Justin got the part of Rick Astley, the rocker. Stephanie---I can't remember her name--but he was some mega rich dude. During dinner, Stephanie--who was sitting between Nicky and me--started to choke. She got up while Nicky and I were asking her if she was okay. She stumbled and fell to the floor DEAD!
At the end of the night, as a team we got the award for being "Dead Last!" Stephanie and Mindy put together an awesome theory. I was certain they were right! But, Stephanie got an award that they said they had never given out before--"Best Dramatic Death!" And it was!! Actually, if truth be told, Steph was a better actress than the two putting on the show.

Butch elected not to go as he doesn't like this sort of thing. When I got home, he admitted that he came really close to going with us---because--are you ready for this? He thought the food sounded good!! What?? He doesn't care about food! Yet, he was almost swayed! Well, he did miss a really good meal. The cheesecake we had for dessert might have been the very best I've ever had. He loves cheesecake, I do not. I even had a thought to bring it home for him. But then, it was so good, that I just kept having one more bite until it was just about gone!

Thanks Justin for a fun night! Gotta' love the family discount!!

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