Saturday, July 27, 2024

Scrapbook Saturday

I saw this earlier in the week on a group that I follow. I started to figure out how to make it. Then I got the bright idea to contact the creator and ask if it was for sale. She sent me the SVG file and I uploaded it to my Cricut.

I had no trouble cutting it. This is 4 layers. It’s about 3” x 6”. The hardest thing was the word “photos.” It cut perfectly. I ran it through the little X (sticker maker), but it kept sticking to everything. I copied it exactly as the woman designed it. Really, you could use any color on the background. 

To prove the point, I cut this one. 
We (Butch, me, Sandy, Greg, Stephanie, Nicky, Mindy and Justin) are going to Disney in October for Mickey's Not So Scary Halloween--and a 5K. That will be my first and last race! I just don't want to miss out---you know---"fomo." That runs in our family.

Anyway, I love how both of them turned out. I sent the owner of the design my Disney take. She was really happy that I did! 

1 comment:

  1. I like how you have altered it to suit your Disney theme!


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