Monday, July 29, 2024

Monday Mystery

I do not understand why movies and series are so dark these days. I heard something about the producers are trying to make films have the surroundings as they actually were. I think the first one I remember as being very dark---I mean in the lighting department---not necessarily the story line (although there are some very dark ones)--is Game of Thrones. It was often hard to see the picture. And then there's Outlander. Another dark one. It's so annoying. But this one takes the cake:
Yes, the tv in on! The show is We Were the Lucky Ones. I read the book several years ago. The book was good and so was the series.. But much of it was like this. Now, granted, the room is also pretty light which doesn't help. So, I closed the shutters and the French doors. 
It wasn't much better. Also, I went in to the settings to find the brightness. I have it as high as it will go. This is just crazy. As annoying as this was, I still really liked the series. It wasn't all this dark, but plenty of scenes were. 

I just don't understand it--it's a mystery to me.

You might notice that the houseplant I usually have on the little table is missing. I brought everything outside. It's pretty amazing what a little fresh air and direct sun do for my plants!

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