Wednesday, October 4, 2023

What I Buy Wednesday

This post is about last purchases. 

It's been a joke around here for a few years now. When we bought our new refrigerator about 5 years ago, I said, "This will be the last refrigerator we'll ever have to buy.

When I got my last Jeep, I said, "This is the last car I ever have to buy."

The girls don't like it and think it's nothing to joke about. So, that makes me want to point out "last buys" more and more! Come on, you have to keep a sense of humor!

When Stephanie and I were in England, I made the comment to her that I had just purchased the last bras I was ever going to have to buy. I told her that I had bought 4 new bras. She said, "Mom, that's ridiculous! if you wore the same bra every day for a year, that's only 4 years!" To which I said, "Well, I don't wear a bra when I'm at home---and I'm home a lot!!"

So, last week, when the light went out in the lamp by my chair, we had a problem. I had replaced the lampshade which made it tricky because it required a certain kind of bulb. The way the shade sat on the lamp, required a bulb with a longer base. The newer bulbs--you know those kind that put out crappy light---I don't know what they are called---do not work. And, you cannot get the old-fashioned type of bulbs that I prefer. I was going to have to get rid of the shade and go back to the style that came with the lamp. 

Luckily for me, Butch is a guy that can solve just about any problem. He found some bulbs that worked. I still don't like the type of light that comes out, but at least I can keep the shade I like. Then Butch said, "And the best part---this bulb is supposed to last 13 years--and they were two in pack!"

So, I think I can safely say that these are the last bulbs we'll ever have to buy. 72+26--you do the math!

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