Monday, October 9, 2023

Mindy on Monday

When Mindy and I met for dinner on Friday night, she was telling me about the day she had planned for herself. She called it: "Self-Care Saturday!" 

First Stop:
    Barry's Boot Camp
 She treated herself to a pumpkin protein shake there. I could go with the shake,             but forget the boot camp.

Second Stop:
    Pure Sweat & Sauna
She had a studio infrared sauna with chromotherapy. I have no idea what that is, but maybe I need it!

Third Stop:
    The Spice and Tea Exchange
She got a specialty iced tea. I'm definitely on board with tea--but I don't need to drive to East Nashville to get it.

Fourth Stop:
    Not sure where she went to get this. 
A henna tattoo. I've actually done this once at Disney when it was so hot that it was a smeared mess within an hour. I would like to get a real one, but I cannot convince Butch to do it with me!

Fifth Stop:
    Lunch at Radish Kitchen.
Her favorite lunch--the west coach bowl. I would never go to a restaurant called Radish anything. I don't like them at all! Kind of reminds me of "Lettuce and Slug" in England. Now I regret not trying it just because of the name!

Sixth Stop:
    Venetian Nails.
She had a pedicure and had to select the shade called "Big Sagittarius Energy" since that's her sign. That's exactly why I wouldn't pick it. Seems like a betrayal of Capricorn.

Seventh Stop:
    Baked Bear Cookies.
She had a custom "Cookie Monster" cookie--"white" blue chocolate macadamia nut, Oreos, cookie crisps with salted caramel pretzel fudge ice cream! Her plan is to keep it in the freezer and make it last. That doesn't work for me. I love cookies--especially with ice cream. I'm better off not getting one at all!

Eighth Stop:
    Kroger---actually, she did this before the cookie. I'm thinking the cookie was the reward for that awful task!
But, Mindy loves grocery shopping! She saved $57.47 with coupons and deals and was pretty excited about that. The girl takes after her dad for sure. Okay, I hate going to the grocery store. I put it off as long as possible. 

So that was her full day of self-care. But there's a little more to her story. And we're calling it:

Spillover Sunday as her self-care continues. I got this text from her first thing this morning:

"Went to bed at 9 last night and woke up at 4 a.m. and started doing my food prep for this week."

This is turkey stroganoff over half butternut squash noodles and regular noodles. Justin gets home this evening, so she must be planning dinner! As for me, it will be egg and tuna salad---again! I've had it about four times this week already. Quick and easy when I don't have to worry about cooking for anyone.

After her meal prep, she went to 2 back-to-back Barry's classes. She's participating in a challenge that ends when we're at Morgan's wedding in November, so she has to double up in order to complete the challenge.

Then, her last self-care activity. She took a water color painting class at a bar in The Nations. As it turns out, the instructor was the director of Fine Arts at St. Cecilia Academy--where Mindy graduated from high school! 

She said it was very therapeutic and relaxing to be painting in the open air on such a beautiful day. That definitely counts as self-care!

Her weekend was a success. While I, on the other hand--stayed home the entire time. Now that's my idea of self-care. I wore my around-the-house lounging clothes (not pajamas this time), ate when I felt like it, read a lot, watched lots of TV while doing other things at the same time (like my blog posts, editing pictures, making lists, and a little Christmas shopping), did a couple loads of laundry, inventoried some gifts that have come in, got ready for my scrapbook retreat, made spaghetti sauce for the trip, and even made several layouts. I stayed up late, got up early, and took full advantage of this time alone--knowing there wasn't anyone I was bothering. So, for me, it was a totally relaxing weekend. I have a busy couple of days before I leave on Wednesday for scrapbooking, starting with an 8 a.m. meeting in the morning. I'm ready! Come 5 a.m. tomorrow, I'll hit the ground running as usual!!

So there, a post about Mindy and me! Your welcome.

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