Thursday, August 8, 2024

Ten Things Thursday

Another volunteer--this one behind the gas grill. I'm keeping it watered. I hope it's blooming by the time I get home!
What are the odds? My friend, Pam's daughter, Lauren runs in to our other friend, Susan at a farmer's market in Jackson Hole, WY!!
My book club (Mindy was a guest who is taking the picture): From left: Beth Ann, me, Nancy, Madelyn, Kim, Diane, Pam and Karolyn.
The lighting is bad, but here we are: Stephanie, Diane, me, Mindy and Connie at the Toby Keith Tribute concert at The Bridgestone in Downtown Nashville. It was fabulous! I loved Toby Keith and am sorry I never got to see him in concert.

So when I was getting ready to leave town, I sent this to my family and friends: an empty email box! I always keep it cleaned out, but there usually might be 3 or 4 in there--unlike a few friends who have hundreds! Yikes!

This is an oldie but goodie---and such sage advice from the queen of advice-giving---Ann Landers.

So, Stephanie and Nicky gave Butch one of those electronic picture frames for his birthday. I never thought I'd see him sitting in front of it with his Manhattan just watching the pictures!

I had no idea that "tee peeing" was still a "thing!" When someone did this to us 25 years ago, they called it "rolling." By any name, it's still a mess to clean up!!

So in this stage of life when we are trying to get rid of stuff, it seems that my friends and I are just moving it around! Nancy gave me this porcelain vase. I just put some dried hydrangeas in it for now. I'll attend to it when I get home!

I have no idea what these darling little flowers are, but they are pretty darn cute!!

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