Friday, August 9, 2024

Scrapbook Saturday

Since I've been re-engaged with gardening, I had to tell that story and how much fun I'm having with it all. I had forgotten how much I loved it--or at least the part I love--deadheading and fertilizing.
On this layout, I finished it and then realized that I had attached the title block upside down! When it's down, it's down! I started to lift it and then thought, "Heck, it's about chaos, so I'm going to just leave it the way it is." I like it and think it adds a little extra interest!

A Family of Stitchers--I stitched the "stitchers" part of the title.

Some how, I think I may have scrapbooked Sandy's proms before. But, I had these pictures figured I must not have. Even if it turns out to be a second layout with the same pictures, they would still look completely different and be in different albums.

This is another layout I'm not sure about. I've been scrapbooking for 25 years now. I probably should have made a list of the layouts I've done. Considering I've made over 150 albums, that list would be very, very long!

Okay, that's it for this week.

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