Saturday, August 17, 2024

Scrapbook Saturday

"on the Couch" is my AYM layout for August. I had so much fun with this one. The story I chose to tell is about the couch we had for 25 years and was in perfect condition. We sent it off to college with Mindy and it was destroyed in less than 4!
The fun thing about this layout and the one below is the title. I cut this on the Cricut. They go in separate albums, so it doesn't matter that the titles are the same.

I saved this one for last because there is a funny story involved. Nancy did this layout about Mitchell's house for our "round-robin." She photographed it to show her sister. Later, she was at the Green Hills Grill with her daughter and granddaughter. She realized that Mitchell was her server. She pulled the picture up on her phone and laid it on the table. When Mitchell came over, he saw it and looked puzzled. That's when she laughed and introduced herself. I thought that was a great story. Her daughter, Leigh---reacted just like mine would. She rolled her eyes and thought it was "creepy!" Those girls! They just don't get our sense of humor!!

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