Monday, August 19, 2024

Me on Monday

So, last Thursday night some of my friends and I went to a Taylor Swift concert in downtown Franklin. 
Well, not exactly TS, but singers singing her songs. There were 22 up-and-coming artists from all genres of music from country, to rock and musical theater. It was awesome. At one point, two girls started singing "Better Man." I recognized it right away and knew that it was a "Little Big Town" song. They had a huge hit with it. After the concert, I looked it up. Turns out that Taylor Swift wrote the song and sent it to them because she thought their harmonizing would be perfect for it--and it was.

Anyway, we had a great time and were, by far--the oldest people there. The announcer said that it sold it so fast---just the mention of Taylor Swift and it's a hit! There were tons of kids there too.

The next day, Connie and Karolyn came over to float. When they left, I took my shower and put on my jammies:
I took this selfie and sent it to all of my girls including the grands. I was still on a TS high. I listened to her music all afternoon. Oh, and I had to put on red lipstick! I was so hyper--that I told the girls that I "Need to Calm Down!" It took me a couple days, but I'm calm now. Until...

Okay, I need to rant for a minute. 

I belong to a Facebook group about scrapbooking. Recently, there's been a lot of talk about using your sewing machine on your scrapbook pages. I decided that I need to use mine more since that's the reason I bought it about 20 years ago--$75 Singer at Walmart. I always have big ideas and that's where the trouble started. 

All I wanted to do was to try a decorative stitch--you know, just change a couple of dials. Well, let me first say, that I am not a "cusser!" But I discovered that this &%$# (I don't even know how to say bad words in code)--fill in the blank--sewing machine has led me to it! Although I didn't say a single word out loud, I'm old school Catholic. So now I have to go to confession for my foul-mouthed thoughts! Thank goodness that I had the good sense to take a picture of the original settings so I could just put it back to zigzag. Ahhh, I feel better now!

Later in the day, I went back to sew some journaling cards--but just used the zigzag stitch. They still turned out pretty cute.
I printed in black and used the black thread that was already in the machine. I knew that If I tried to change the thread, I was just going to set myself up for another meltdown! I certainly don't need any stress considering my scrapbooking is supposed to be my stress relief! It usually is.

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