Sunday, August 4, 2024

Something for Sunday

So, last week I had a bad cough. To refresh your memory of how bad my coughs can me, about 30 years ago, I broke/cracked 8 ribs! Yes I did--and I know exactly how that happened. When I have a cough, it's bad and always worse at night. I think it's the laying down. Well, all of those years ago, I had bronchitis that seemed to go on forever. I slept sitting upright in the recliner. Every time I coughed in that position, it compressed my entire chest/rib cage. It did hurt like heck, but that's just how it was. 

Fast forward to now. First, I want to emphasize I WAS NOT SICK! At all! I started with a little cough the week before last. That was it--just a cough--in the chest. No congestion in the sinuses. Well, it wasn't really a problem because I have this miracle medicine. I only need it at night so I can sleep soundly. 

Wellllll, that's where the problem started. I realized I was running out of it. Finally, my prescription from 2017--which actually expired in 2018-- was running out. Since we were to be leaving on our family vacation--the Rhine River cruise--on Wednesday, I got to thinking, "OMGosh what if I'm coughing so much and there's no place to go? Not only would I be keeping Butch up, but the people in the cabins next to us. 

I decided on Monday that I would go to the doctor. I know that they will not renew a prescription without going in for an examination. Now let me start by saying that Monday and Tuesday were completely packed with appointments and plans prior to our trip. 

When I explained why I was there, of course, they wouldn't just give me the prescription. I think it was an NP who went through all the regular things blood pressure, checking my ears, nose, throat, heart and lungs. She said everything looked good. Then she pulled out the Covid test thing. Now my mind is spinning. OMGosh! If I have Covid, everything will be messed up! She said that the test results would be back the next day and that I should just quarantine until then. Oh, hell no! I had things to do and places to be!

I canceled the next thing on my list which was a mani/pedi in preparation for the trip. I went home and Butch and I did one of the home Covid tests. That got me to thinking. I may very well have had Covid the prior week--considering friends had it two weeks before that. I wasn't sure because I am not someone who gets sick with Covid. I swear by the vaccines--I've had them all! 

Anyway, the test was negative. So I went on about my business. I met Nancy for a movie, and then later in the day, rounded up the gang for the Toby Keith tribute concert at The Bridgestone Arena that night. That was great and we all had a really fun time. I wasn't coughing much. 

On Tuesday, I played bridge with Connie and our two 96 yr. old friends. I intended to wear a mask "just in case." They insisted that I take it off because they wanted to see my face! We had a great day. After bridge, I was able to slip in with Sophia to get my nails done. I didn't have time for the pedicure, so I scratched the sandals I'd planned to take on the trip.

No sooner did I get home than it was time to go to happy hour at our friend's house. Bruce is ill with ALS of the throat. I did not hug him when we arrived--and I stayed far away from him, just in case! While we were there, the results came in. I had no idea that I was being tested for so many other things besides Covid. Had I known, I probably would have had to cancel ALL of my activities! So, get this:

I tested negative for Covid, RSV, influenza A&B, and NPS (whatever that is) nor do I have a respiratory tract infection. Everything was marked "no detection." I'm just fine. Not one bit sick.

Oh, and the reason I went to the doctor in the first place, the prescription? I did get it. Butch picked it up and texted me that it was $60!!! OMGosh! But it's totally worth it for something that works like a miracle. Plus when I saw the bottle I realized it was extra large. The first one was little and lasted 7 years. This one is probably good for at least 15!

As it turned out, the night I got the results, I didn't even take the medicine and still slept through the night. But I did bring it with me on the trip--just in case! Plus, if anyone else needs it, I'll have it!

Whew, I think I dodged a bullet!

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