Sunday, August 18, 2024

Something for Sunday

Have I ever told you about my niece, Ranya? 
She is a concert cellist. She teaches cello and is part of a quartet. She has played with the St. Louis Symphony in all assortment of concerts and Broadway shows. I'm so proud!
Here she is with my sister, Jennifer, her mama. Ranya is a delightful surprise to me considering her mother couldn't care less about music.* Somehow, this girl who grew up in a home without music has chosen it as her life's passion. It happened because when she was in grade school, her public school required that the students learn a musical instrument. I'm not sure why she picked the cello, but she quickly excelled. 

Okay, so now the reason for this post: Ranya is performing in Newsies. If you haven't seen it, you should--especially if you are in St. Louis and can see Ranya at the same time.

This---I don't know what you call it---ad---was on Facebook. I have no idea what it means. It just gave me a chance to brag about Ranya!

*Update: Jennifer corrected me! She does love listening to Ranya's music! Who wouldn't! She played for Mindy's wedding and it was fabulous!

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