Tuesday, September 19, 2023

Travel Tuesday

One of the best part of traveling is going home! I have never been gone for 16 days before. But, I never got homesick or felt like I wanted to go home. I really feel like I could live in England. It's just so old and beautiful---like ME!!! I fit right in!

When Butch picked me up from the airport, he had a cup of iced tea for me! That made me so happy! He had also done the grocery shopping and bought all kinds of things he knew I would like: salad fixin's (England doesn't do salads like we do) and a cantaloupe ripening on the counter. He had grilled some burgers and hard-boiled some eggs for the salad. I think he missed me!! 

I immediately took a shower--which is what I always do when I get back from a trip. 
Ahhhh, it's good to be home. 

Oh, and I can't forget to wash the wheels on my suitcase:
I learned this lesson the hard-way. A few years ago, right after having white carpet installed in my closet (a scrap from our bedroom), I put my suitcase away and immediately had 4 dirt marks from the wheels. Thank goodness that I didn't roll it in there! There's a lot of dirt on those wheels!

Next up is Butch's trip to Brazil with his buddy Jack. OMGosh! I just looked at the calendar and the day he gets home is the day I leave for my fall scrapbook retreat with friends and family. So that means we won't see each other for another two weeks! We leave for the beach a few days after that, so we'll have plenty of "catching up" time in the car. 

We are enjoying all this traveling, but a cruise we had planned for January has been canceled. So right away, Butch wanted to fill that spot with something else---another busy trip. I told him that I want at least one trip a year which is total relaxation! Now he's looking at something along those lines for January. He just can't sit still. 

I plan to have two of these pictures enlarged and framed. They are just from my iPhone, but turned out quite spectacular! I've already enlarged other pictures throughout the house and really like how they come out.
Hever Castle--home of Anne Boleyn
Another view of Hever Castle.
The street where Charles Dickens lived.
I think these homes must be some sort of condos (flats) as all the flower boxes are the same and so beautiful. Love the tile porch and wrought iron fence.
Newstead Abbey--home of Lord Byron
Newstead Abbey and garden.
In the garden at Newstead Abbey.
Buckingham Palace.
Buckingham Palace.
Buckingham Palace.

Which two do you think I should choose?

P.S. Final count for the two weeks: with Butch--42 miles walked. With the girls--31 miles walked for a total of 73 miles! 

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