Saturday, September 9, 2023

Nottingham--Day 7

Today is Butch's last day. We decided that since we'd been hitting it pretty hard each day, that we'd take it easy. For me, that meant spending some time trying to catch up with computer stuff like emails and blogs. I spent a good deal of time editing photos. I try to stay caught up as best I can when I travel. 

For Butch, on the other hand, relaxing means geo-caching and putting another 3 miles on his tired feet. The man cannot sit still!

We started our day around 11-ish. I wanted scones for lunch as I hadn't had any yet. We walked down to Valerie's Patisserie--a cute little cafe and bakery. The scones and clotted cream were excellent! Butch had a piece of carrot cake that was just so-so. We just wanted something light as we've been eating pretty heartily. You know, he using the "B" word and all!

After that, the plan was that we were going to be taking the tram to meet up with Gren and Diane to see Gren's business. Diane sent me instructions: walk to the end of your street, catch the tram to Bulwell Market. Seems simple enough right? Well, just wait right there. Nothing is ever simple when it comes to traveling. And this was no exception. Here's how it went:

1. Saw the storefront by the trams for tickets. 
2. Stood in line for about 10 minutes.
3. Was told that this was only for bus tickets.
4. We needed to be outside at the ticket kiosk.
5. The map of trams listed Bulwell or Bulwell Forest--no Bulwell Market.
6. There were about 10 choices of types of tickets--not sure what we needed.

About that time, a woman walked up and said, "Excuse me, I have this extra ticket, so you will only have to buy one." I said, "Oh, thank you! We need help!" She then proceeded to help us through the process. We only needed the "single" ticket for one way. When we had the ticket in hand, she told us that we needed to take the tram going to Hucknall. I asked if I could get a picture.
Her name is Eve. We chatted for a minute. She asked where we were from. I said, "Nashville, Tennessee." She immediately responded, "Hot chicken and sweet tea." What??? I had no idea someone here would know that unless they've been there. She hadn't. I was tempted to ask her a few more questions, but she had already taken enough time to help us and we needed to catch our tram. Only when she walked off did I realize that we didn't ask where to catch the tram going to Hucknall. Butch figured it out by noticing which trams were on which side of the street as it corresponded to the map. 

Once on the tram, we realized that we still didn't know which stop. I texted Diane and she told us to get off at the Bulwell stop and she would pick us up. Finally, we could relax. 

When we reached our stop, Diane was there to whisk us off to their family business, Connelly Home Center. After touring us around and explaining their business--they do all things to do with bathroom remodeling--he closed the shop, Diane dropped us off back in town for Gren's very interesting tour of Nottingham. He was full of fun facts and historical insight. We stopped at a couple of pubs for a rest and a "pint" (not me, I don't do beer). Did I mention that the name pub comes from "public house" which is the formal name. They were and still are, gathering places for everything social. 
We ended with meeting Diane at Pitcher and Piano--the church turned pub. We approached from a different angle, so I was able to get a better picture.

After drinks, we went to an Italian restaurant---Piccolino's (I think). Our reservations were for 7:30, but they were able to take us earlier. I'd forgotten how late people in Europe eat. We're early birds in the U.S. and I don't just mean us old people! Needless to say, we were bushed when we finished and ready to get back to our hotel room and just chill out! Gren had other plans! We stopped for a nightcap--luckily at our hotel. We sat outside and enjoyed the night air. It was a fun day and a pleasant evening. 

Tomorrow, Butch leaves. I'm kind of sad about that. It seems weird to me. But, Stephanie and my book club girls will be arriving that evening and the fun will continue!

Miles walked: 4.5

Unusual things:
Gren got us into the ancient Bromwell Library for a look around. It's one of the oldest in all of England. The literary works are so old and valuable that it cannot be insured! 

We browsed the quaint little garden. 
There were several flowers I had never seen before.
I used the plant identifier on my phone to find this unusual flower. It's Acanthus--which I've heard of, but not sure I've seen before. The common name is "bear's breeches." I have no idea what that means.
Butch took this picture as part of a geo-cache he was looking for. It required him to find the red phone box with the red post box nearby. I love this picture!

Okay, I need to set the record straight. I'm not as smart as I think I am. It was King Charles who raised "the standard" (meaning the flag) at the start of the English Civil War. I don't really know anything about that. But the street that this marker is on is called Standard Street. I need to pay attention to things like that more often. I love the details. I'm just nerdy like that. It makes life so interesting don't cha' think?

Now we come to the words and phrases:
"air con"---air conditioning, but they don't say conditioning, they say "con"

Gren referred to his first date with Diane as "our first 'proper' date"---I asked "as opposed to an 'improper 'date?"

Gren was talking about the Wrexham football team (the soccer team owned by Ryan Reynolds and friend). He made this comment when talking about a match with the home team: "they "pipped 'em" at the last minute!" Means they scored a point to win the game.

Gren also used the word "boggers" referring to mischievous teens. Now I've forgotten where the term came from, but something to do with bogs. I thought he meant "buggers" which he said was the same thing.

Okay, that's it for now!

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