Tuesday, September 24, 2024

Travel Tuesday

Last Friday, Nancy and I decided to walk from her condo to West Nashville and have lunch, and then walk back home. We do this twice a year--once in spring and once in fall. I suggested we invite our daughters, Mindy and Leigh to join us. Round trip, it's 7 miles. It feels like an accomplishment and is a lot of fun. The time flies by when you are talking--unless--it's this hot!

We met at Nancy's house and started out. We were probably only about a mile or so into it when I realized how hot it was. Most of the trail on the greenway is in the sun. We had water with us so we were hydrated, but I was sweating so bad--my eyes were burning. I didn't think to bring any Kleenex with which to mop the sweat. Or, for crying out loud--the cool cloth that works like a charm. You just wet it and wear it around your neck. It keeps you cool and really works! I can't believe I didn't even think about it.

When we were about a block from the restaurant, I was already thinking I might Uber it back home. Really, it was just so hot--I needed a hat too. I never wear a hat unless I'm in the pool, but my head was definitely very hot. We've done this several times, but never in 90-degree heat. I've always said I can handle any temperature as long as I'm in the shade. 

Anyway, we had a nice lunch and cold drinks in a refreshing, air-conditioned restaurant. Nancy and I shared a grilled pimento cheese and bacon sandwich and side. By the time we finished, I felt like I could make the return trip. But we all agreed to just Uber it and do it again when it's a bit cooler. When we stepped outside, I knew we had made the right decision! It was brutally hot!!

When I got home, I confessed to Butch that by the time I had gotten to the restaurant, I was feeling pretty light-headed. I really do need to keep my age in mind when I come up with these "hair-brained" (or is it "hare-brained?" ideas. I still feel like I can do anything!

We all enjoyed it and are looking forward to doing it again--say mid-October. 
There you have it--my "travel" post for this week. 

Actually, as you are reading this, Butch and I are in Cleveland, Ohio visiting "A Christmas Story" house and museum and "The Rock and Roll Hall of Fame." Wednesday we're off for Detroit and the "Motown Museum" and "The Ford Museum." More on that next week.

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