Thursday, September 26, 2024

Ten Things Thursday

So I love to play these games with myself. Now I invite you to play too. If you could pick any of these porches--someone else would do all the work--which would you pick?
1. This one certainly has a beautiful background. See the pooch?

2. This one looks pretty and easy. Would branches of colorful leaves last very long?

3. Love the green door--it really sets off the orange. I want that hot chocolate and treat.

5. Breathtaking.

5. Love the garland over the door.

6. Inviting.

7. Those twinkle lights!

8. I never thought about putting drapes on the porch.

9. Love the white door.

10. Very comfy looking.

These are all so gorgeous. But I would go with #4. I love the stone floor of the porch, the rounded door, the coach light, the floral garlands, the assorted pumpkins, and the wreath. 

#10 was a close second--this porch looks so inviting. But being realistic, this one requires upkeep. I know from my own front porch and furniture that it would be covered with outdoor debris in a single day. I don't know where it comes from, but every cushion and pillow needs a brushing. And those cream-colored throws would look a mess. That's all too much work for me. And I certainly don't want to vacuum the rug!

One last thing. Any of these porch decorations would cost a fortune. Have you noticed how much a single pumpkin costs? Those large ones can be $25! I don't think they last long enough to spend that.

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