Monday, September 23, 2024

Me on Monday

Well, this one is for the books. Here's the story.

Nancy texted me to see if I wanted to go to a movie on Saturday. She picked It Ends with Us. I had already seen it but figured that since I have the Regal Unlimited, I would see it again with her. I didn't mention that to her.

We got to the theater and bought our tickets and popcorn. When the movie started, in the first five minutes, Nancy leaned over and said, "I think I've already seen this!" I started to laugh. Are you kidding me? I said, "Nancy, I already saw it, but figured you weren't with Connie and me. We both were laughing at the absurdity of it. 

This kind of thing is happening all the time these days. Actually, I'm so happy that it's not just me. My friends make me feel sane!

We enjoyed the movie for the second time. We can sit and stare at Blake Lively forever--she's so beautiful.

On the way out, I told Nancy that I had a confession to make. I KNEW  I had seen this movie, but what popped into my mind when Nancy mentioned it--was the movie with Nicole Kidman that I watched on Netflix recently--The Perfect Couple. Of course, I didn't remember the Netflix part and didn't realize the mistake until the movie started. 

So you see, we are all a little daff!

1 comment:

  1. I've read the book but not seen the film - it must be good if you don't mind seeing it twice! I just finished the Perfect Couple on Netflix, I quite enjoyed it but it didn't get brilliant reviews. Everyone enjoys different things I guess!


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