Sunday, September 29, 2024

Something for Sunday

About a week ago, friends Diane and Grenville from Nottingham, England invited us over to play a game that their friend invented.
It's kind of a long story, but they invested in the company with their friend. Gren and his friend took the game to the toy show in London--years--20+ ago. They got an order from Toys R Us for 6000 games. Gren was the money man in the deal. They had the games made only to find that the deal had fallen through, so it was a major loss.

Anyway, when they were here this summer, they told us about the game and said they were going to invite us over to play it. 
The game is called "Gambler." It was really fun--although a little long. But we always modify games to suit us anyway. I was the big winner while Butch--well let's just say--in Diane's words--wasn't a "happy chappy!" He cannot hide his dismay when he loses. He thinks he's the unluckiest guy--which is probably exactly why he is. Me, on the other hand--always think I'm going to win. Actually, he did win when he got me!! Okay, enough about me.

It was a fun evening. When we were ready to leave, Gren gave a brand new game to Butch. We were thrilled to get it. We're calling it "the game that almost was!" 

Last Sunday, I went to a Titan's game with Butch, Mindy and Justin. 
I used to say that I only went to the game for "love." I don't really follow football. But that wasn't quite true. I went for the tailgate parties with our friends. I'm not sure what happened, but one by one, our friends gave up their seats. 
At the time of this game, I don't think I'd been to one in 10 years. The real reason is that it's just so long. Basically, it's the entire day. On this day, I went for the love of Stephanie! She was going to go with her dad just so the seat wouldn't go to waste. It's a very long story as to why we have 4 seats now--and not really important But Butch is adamant that the seats not go to waste. 

Stephanie usually goes with Butch, but on this day, she needed to do all of her regular weekend chores: laundry, meal planning, grocery, etc. since she'd had another commitment the day before. She and Nicky went with Mindy and Justin and their friends, Bonnie and Dave kayaking. We were supposed to go, but we decided against it due to possible dangers at my age. Turns out it was the right decision. The girls said the rocks were very slippery--so much so that it was hard for them.

So, I went to the game. I was happy to see this little girlie!
Maddie is the granddaughter of our friends, Hugh and Pam. She was with her daddy, Chris. Hugh sold his seats to his son-in-law. At least they are still in the family. But that's the last of our friends seats. 

The new stadium is underway. We will no longer have our fabulous 50 yard line seats--these are now going for 50K+---each! The Titan's organization realized that these were great seats and now have encompassed them into the club level. All of the seats are going to be crazy expensive. They've already sold out the club level at those crazy prices. My highschool friend, Cathy said that they have friends who paid $78,000 for two seats on the 10 yard line! Holy smokes! That's just insane. 

Butch said he'll only get two seats and already predicts they'll be in the nose-bleed section. Hmmm. Rather than spend that kind of money upfront just to have your own PSL's (personal seat license). Maybe the smarter thing to do is just purchase the tickets wherever you want to sit on a per game basis. $28,000 (the amount of money that we are being credited for all 4 of our seats) will go a long way with that approach! But hey, it's really none of my business. I'm not the one who will be using them.

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